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Game Grumps plays plate up:
Arin: Hello, welcome to Penisville Monsieur, would you like a salad?
#FANART #gamegrumps
4 personajes ficticios que me agradan:
No puse a Lui para que no fuera tan repetitivo XD https://t.co/cmVkcLZ2cZ
Introducing the Golems!
Rhuldan: the Everything Golem and the Biggest, Most powerful Golem, and Ruler golem
Monunoa: the Metal Golem
Polar-Atlas: The Ice Golem
Plastohive: the Hivemind, Plastic Golems
#GaurkoEgunez duela 14 urte Ipurbeltz aldizkaria argitaratzeari utzi zioten.
Aldizkariaren helburua euskal gizartean euskararen zabalkundea bermatzea zen komiki eta literaturaren bidez. Antzeko aldizkariak ere bazeuden 80 eta 90.hamarkadan: Kili-kili, Xirrixta,Nanai...
Long gatito
(Posted by MaeveanDan: https://t.co/F0yUmLWaAN)
#Pokemon #Art
mañana hay stream de apextoso y de arte agte a las 3:00 hora mexico norte, no se lo pierdan:D
Frontispiece to Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things (1904), a book of traditional Japanese ghost stories compiled by the great scholar and translator Lafcadio Hearn, who was born #onthisday in 1850. Read the book here: https://t.co/RopiXB1BBa #otd
Cartoon by James Gillray of William IV and his mistress Mrs. Jordan: A large, cracked chamber-pot represents Mrs. Jordan, and the Duke has thrust himself into a fissure in the 'Jordan'.
DAN:007 アポロン
Springtrap:"Hehehehe Look at you big fella all stuffed and full and very big".
Aidan:"BURRRRP hehehe sure am Springy and now I am ready for a nap too".
Aidan is now full from a huge and big meal art by
this his part of our trade
#belly #artwork #furry #FNAF
En media hora estaré comiendo mi sopita picante caliente con chistoretes de fondo
Así que no se lo pierdan:
9:15pm PE 🇵🇪
Tbh both of the Godzilla anime series get criminally slept on, I LOVE how a ton of the the Singular Point designs are based on Japanese Yokai
(Godzilla: Oni
Rodan: Tengu
Manda: Tametomo's Sea Monster
Kumonga: Tsuchigumo)
Jordan: Superman villains are so silly and outlandish, Batman villains are just more realistic.
Not my #art #anime #StudioGhibli #nature #Fanart
Déborah Maradan: In these #watercolor paintings, I combined my love for Ghibli movies and my love for nature to try to recreate those feelings of serenity, cheerfulness, and love for life that Studio Ghibli movies give.”
(what if universenya si kembar genre be el)
Me: Joon, cerita sm gue lu naksir Dan kan? Lu ga bunúh dia dulu gara2 itu kan??😳
Joon: Maybe😏
Dan: I-impossible😣