O design do drone e headset novos da DJI é a parada mais cyberpunk/distópica já criada em escala industrial.

Drone só não é mainstream pq é um hobby muito caro, toca fantasias muito primais. É projeção astral se vc parar pra pensar.

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おのさかさんが、DJI Pocket2を「ネコちゃんみたい」と言っていたので

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Art reveal! Meet Dji'hena, played by ! A drow rogue with as much knack for getting in to trouble as she does getting out of it. What's the fun in always playing it safe?

Find Dji'hena on In Too Deep, premiering Tuesday 1/12 at 4 PM PST.

Art by

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Digitalization of historical site by Skycrab - Rilievi 3D con drone ⛲

3D model of Contarini Fountain in Bergamo recreated from photos taken with DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Canon 5D Mark III. Reconstructed with RealityCapture.

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スマフォジンバルOsmo Mobileの第4世代目。

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Some of my favorite aerial shots of this summer, captured with the DJI Mavic 2 Pro in Iceland.

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DJI Osmo Pocketのイラスト

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Sunset on Seymour - DJI Spark Cinematic by Ben H

https://t.co/40RTBGhy9O via

I feel so fortunate to live in a city where I can go for a quick drive and hike after work and enjoy these crazy views at sunset.

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Sunset on Seymour - DJI Spark Cinematic by Ben H

https://t.co/40RTBGhy9O via

I feel so fortunate to live in a city where I can go for a quick drive and hike after work and enjoy these crazy views at sunset.

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Discover my with Lightroom Presets for Aerial & Drone Photography➡️ https://t.co/X5vXyKJ5FR Ideal for DJI Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom, Mavic Air or Phantom series.

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DJI にスマートフォン経由のライブ配信機能が追加


Article by

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Discover my Lightroom workflow for aerial and drone photography with 60 Lightroom presets: https://t.co/X5vXyKJ5FR Ideal for drones like the DJI Mavic 2 Zoom/Pro, Mavic Pro, Mavic Air or Phantom 4.

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【ダウ平均】+109.33 (+0.39%) 27875.62



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ドローン革命!?199グラムのMAVIC MINIが発売です。


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ついにDJIから、日本の航空法に縛られない119gの小型ドローン『Mavic Mini』キター!しかも折り畳み式で3軸シンバルカメラ搭載とかスゲー!.゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚

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