【速報】「負けがこんでいてイライラした」「お前ら殺しに行く」麻雀ゲーム会社の業務を妨害 日大生を書類送検 https://t.co/7YWvVtGZFT

20 33

The Earth's ozone layer is on its way to recovering, thanks to decades of work to get rid of ozone-damaging chemicals, a panel of international experts backed by the United Nations has found.

Read more: https://t.co/GGF3N2GVdf

9 31

スプレー缶のガス抜きに加えて「ライターをハンマーで壊していた」と関係者 https://t.co/l6s21dgRHG

8 12


一時停止するとしていた日本人へのビザ発給 中国政府が一部容認 https://t.co/S1TeMeqD5V

0 5

wow...I love this one with the Mask On... always amazing us with Incredible ...Kudos to the Artist and Team!!
Continue Building, I will always support by spreading the goodnews everywhere! 🚀

12 22

The nano-robot antibodies will be able to fight cells around tumors that can help the tumor while also boosting the capability of the cells inhibiting the growth of the cancerous cells.

Read more: https://t.co/AM3ORum6Gj

8 27


50 151

名前:吉田 隆彦

25 72

Humble bus shelter roofs are being turned into riots of colour, with the number of miniature gardens – full of pollinator-friendly flora such as wild strawberries, poppies and pansies.

Read more: https://t.co/z44crmR5EE

4 32

News around the world is all very depressing, sending love and hope to everyone today, oh yes and a partying flamingo...
Happy Wednesday x

15 84

一般家庭の庭先にも設置可能…660万円の「核シェルター」問い合わせ続々 https://t.co/ZQ9PtWGflr


6 26

【🔺RAID Member部門移籍報告🔺】

[ちるまぐろ/ ]は、

13 39


暗闇を漂う“顔”が意味深に語りかける『未来惑星ザルドス』本篇プロローグ100秒を限定公開 https://t.co/cyfe5V7Pv4

6 18

Alpha: awaiting super bullish PADnews about gen2 and staking this weekend. Get in while they are affordable.

16 25

「ミイラ化した赤ちゃんの遺体が部屋に」――発見者と「産みの親」との意外すぎる関係が判明! https://t.co/V4qfrSSc0O

> 女性は一人で暮らしていたが、彼女の母親もちょくちょくやってきていた。その母親は赤ちゃんの遺体を目の届かない場所に隠した後、死去した。時期はもちろん1年以内の話

0 2

In new research, NOAA found that global concentrations of the harmful chemicals that damage the ozone layer have declined just over 50% in the mid-latitude stratosphere, to levels observed in 1980.

Read more: https://t.co/s1fFmCTUIn

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