"Who are you drawing now Pyrow? Is that Riki?" "What? No! It's Elder Titan!"

2 7

Oh yeah baby, shake that earth! Earthshaker!

1 12

Ugh, Earth Spirit. I almost skipped this one for the A to Z challenge. What a pain.

1 5

Every noob's favourite hero: Drow Ranger!

2 5

Disruptor! He's a dude that...does things. I have nothing for this one, sorry.

1 5

Death Prophet! "Eurotrash", according to Tom.

2 7

Crystal Maiden, the ice cannon! Get it? Because glass cannon and ice... I'll let myself out.

1 3

Clockwerk! Like Pudge, but backwards!

1 7

"I'm just gonna farm this jungle and OH GOD IT'S CLINKZ I'M DEAD!" (messed up the schedule time)

2 4

It's the RNGesus' biggest fan: Chaos Knight!

1 8

Centaur Warrunner! Blink, Stomp, Slash!

3 7

Bounty Hunter! Hunter of bounties! Mmm, bounties...

1 4


1 8

Move, Lich! Get out the way! Beastmaster is coming!

2 4