Daniel x Olivia Doodle 2022/05/13

Olivia: He sleeps like a child, so cute.

14 116

I know, April 25th is tomorrow, but I need to post this today for some reason. >_<

Please send some birthday wishes to this gentle, handsome angel.

8 56

Daniel x Olivia OC Series Comic
Short Tale: The Graph

Watch animated version on Youtube:

14 75

Which one would you choose?

5 41

Daniel x Olivia (ダニエル x オリヴィア)


To watch animated version on YouTube:

9 54

The Bull & The Lion

Daniel's birthday: April 25th (Taurus)
Olivia's birthday: August 6th (Leo)

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【OC Series - Daniel x Olivia】
Short Tale - Star Sign

Animated version is also available on YouTube,
click link down below to watch.


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I'm planning to do the first Daniel x Olivia Animation on YT.

But since I'm working solo, I have to simplify the art style.

And also, I'm more likely to do it with MG animation.

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Merry Christmas!

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They're not only teammates but also each other's best friends at school.

3 49

How Daniel finds Olivia when she's missing.

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A question I got on Tumblr a few months ago.

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【Daniel x Olivia】The Angel in White Dress (Page 01)
Someone is about to get triggered.

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【Daniel x Olivia - Autumn】
It's getting colder outside, but we still feel warm inside.

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Part 1 ( Page 03 ~ 05 )
I’m 100% sure that I cannot end this story before the actual Halloween though.
Any recommendation is welcomed (especially towards the grammar.)

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