Day22:異常者ワラー 〜Madman Wallar〜



19 77

Day21: Fuzzy 毛羽立った
Day20: Sprout 芽,もやし
Day11: Sour すっぱい & Day22: Open 開く

6 34

Splatoween Day22: Injured

Pluto has always been a bit reckless when it comes to the NSBS, luckily he's always has someone nagging him about it be it his younger brother or the elder agents.

0 1

Day22: Secret relationship/Pirates au
Sakura: I won't pay the ransom again!
Gaara: I have money.
Shika: believe me you don’t want it ... honeymooning in the Caribbean is very expensive, especially when you’re not invited...

282 1312

Witchtober Day22: Summer
Lemon Witch is back

1 3

Goretober Day22: Arrow
Mime not having such a good time during hunting season

tw: blood

0 6

Day22: エレン(ルパン三世 ワルサーP38)
今日の紙: ウォーターフォード


6 28

DAY22: Staying Home (LAZY)
i'm lazy they're lazy lmao

239 1197