Comic Strips That Perfectly Describe The Life Of A Designer

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There is a problem with one of your files. Don't worry, find out why.

1 1

This is a worryingly accurate depiction of my life!

1 9

"Hope you don't mind." 😒 We've got more 👌 comics where that came from ➝

6 8

When you play around with the template's code

21 46

Heres a *newly redesigned* gem. Theres nothing funny about bad kerning!

0 2

It won't take long, right? 😝 Love our comics? See 'em all! »

13 15

😣😰 What is this "wow factor" & where I can buy one? [More comics here ➝ ]

3 5

Getting ready for a client meeting so you can look more "grown up"

30 64

What do you do with silly clients who expect too much from you?

2 2

Forgetting it's a holiday & needing stock images built for speedy editing.

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