! Jour 1 -> 4
Thème principal : Les patterns ! ❤️
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2 :
3 :
4 :

Liste créée par h que j’adore !

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*Día 9_ Digimon bebé
¡Casi se me olvida publicarlo! Lo siento, que estaba estudiando. Escogí a este pequeño para hacer una referencia a mi fic, aunque me hubiera gustado ponerle casco😊

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*Día 8_ Digievolución
(Una de las secuencias de evolución que más me gusta es la de Gumdramon, más encima acompañado por el soundtrack "Tagiru Chikara" x3)

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Dia 6 Conversito Mode


También es un Kirby Mode(?

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Yeesh! Trying to keep up with is hard! ^^' Had to stop myself trying to "finish" it with more shadows and everything. Still, gonna keep trying, just like little Petitmon! :P

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Dia 4 Conversito Mode


Cada vez es más dificil(?

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*Día 2_ Digivice
(No quedé muy conforme con el resultado, pero creo que quedó bien^^')

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Este es mi primera contribución al inktober en base a lo planteado por
*Día 1_ Emblema
(los voy a hacer con color porque me es más cómodo así^^')

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🎃 Week 4: Characters / Day 22 🎃

This is the fun week - Characters in Halloween Costumes!

Ashiri's costume is a Fortune Teller! Since she is a Psychic, it fits her pretty well! Let her peer into your future, though results may not be 100% accurate...

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🎃 Week 3: Backgrounds / Day 21 🎃

Last day of Backgrounds!! I wanted to finish it off with a spooky house on the hill! Exteriors of houses are almost more tricky for me than the interiors, but it's all a learning experience.

See you for the final week!

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🎃 Week 3: Backgrounds / Day 20 🎃

First late day sadly! 8( But it's OK I was only one behind!

This is definitely rough due to my weaknesses in detailing, so it proved a real challenge! I'll have to see how other artists approach these kinds of BGs!

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