Sadly the story that started so promissing offered nothing after this short scene ;_; no more interaction. Its a shame and waste.

(#dimeshipping it was uspposed to be U.U)

1 9

The Masked Mallard was always my favorite DT87 episode (despite not having Magica in it)
What if they where a team?

Of course Magica knows who is behind that mask, a fact Scrooge is not aware off and thus jealous of himself often...

6 24

Felt the need to draw a real soft picture.
With Momos help I tried to add a retro effect so that it looks like a real screenshot ^^
On the right is the normal version.

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Another redraw of an old pic from 2018
"Together we are stronger"

BG is just traced from a comic panel!

New Old

4 24

I bought this awesome Harley Quinn comic and had to redraw some panels into
For once I like how the kiss turned out ^^

They are sitting on the beach of their island, watching the moon ♥

5 23

Scrooge knows he dont HAS to take care of her when she is hurt, right?
Mocking or not, he is there. What happend to: "time is money"? Looks like time spent on her is worth more afterall ♥

3 14

My amazing friend found me a new Dimeshipping story WORTH translating! Looks like a lot of fun.
Magica is asking Scrooge if they can pretend a fight, he agrees. Of course... I mean, why not? ^^

It will take a while cause I also have a bigger Art project going on

2 15

Gimme me more of these hugs.
Gimme me more of their perfect chemistry.
Gimme me more new stories I like.

5 12

Two traditionalist having the same problem and kinda reacting the same way about it. Threating others ♥

Also an autors note I really liked. Cause thats just what I am saying all the time. Scrooge and Magica have so much in common! They are meant to be!

2 16

Magica is teasing Scrooge ♥

At DT87 and DT17 version might follow.

Thank you @/SalemaRu for the inspiration and posing help ^^

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Finished my fixed ending pic ^^

No Clones, no Della and good Dimeshipping content.

Webby is a normal girl, Bentina her grandma.
Donald has his nephews the way it should be.
Scrooge has the love of his life.

MY perfect ending ♥

6 24

Next part of my little Mermaid AU is done ^^
"You've been through quite a lot..."

5 20

"It even has his eyes"
Soooo, a while ago @/melsaidwhynot was talking about this scene in Arielle and how it needs to be done in OTP and I agree!
It took me forever due to my busy life but here it is. Another part of my little mermaid AU ^^

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So reboot final aired one year ago. I don't believe it is that long, can't be more then a month or so... O0O
Anyway, time ^0^ My fixed endings ♥

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