Day 14.
N is for Nedoceratops.
Started this yesterday, finished today. So, I am a day behind.

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More catchup for dinovember! Here is 8-11 and 12&13 will be posted later! :)

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Day 13, Dino & Decapod: Eryon. Compsognathus having an unfortunate encounter with Eryon while an amused Pterodactylus watches.

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Day 13: Gargoyleosaurus parkpinorum

Living in the semi-arid, an nodosaurid Gargoyleosaurus is strolling through dry wasteland.

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Dinovember 2020, Alvarezsaurus, portrayed as a speculative blood-sucker (no evidence to back this up at all, btw).

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Take a break from scrolling and say hi to this socially awkward Borealopelta.

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Day 11.
K is for Kentrosaurus.
One of my favorites. Spikes near the shoulder and plates that become spikes along the back to the tail.

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Day 11, Fruitadens frenzy. A pair of Fruitadens squabble while a Stegosaurus obviously strolls nearby.

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Oviraptor cherchant des palourdes pour son prochain dîner. Fait pour le jour 9 de mais je suis en retard.

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Day 10.
J is for (ready) Jingshanosaurus.
Yet again if you ever discover a new dinosaur in your backyard consider naming it starting with the letter J.

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Day 10, Kulinda runner. Well, here's Kulindadromeus, just as it says on the tin.

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