The adventurers arrived at their destination, Githyanki corspes all around, the ground, vegetation and even smell felt so strange, so alien. Full moon bright in the night sky. "what did they say we had to hunt?"

26th Pokemon

169 587

The north wall of the mansion exploded, the pieces of wood and furniture floated still in mid air as the creature dashed out of the building. The farmer turned to the party "I have curse lifting work for you!"


189 705

This has to be my favorite so far! But giving one of my all-time favorite pokemon giant swords will do that, lol.

Hope you all like my latest entry and get some inspiration for your next underdark game!

Art by:

54 199

The inkeeper shruged "They say a foreign Queen was upset at the prince for building his city in the forest and sent a fearsome angel knight who busted the walls in one thunderous charge." The wizard looked at the Paladin "DIRE BEEDRILL"

22nd Pokemon

199 828

The kids warned the adventurers. "if you bully somone, the monster will come and eat you, this tormented creature is hungry for retribution". Of course the wizard tied up the Barbarian, they didn't want to deal with a DIRE WOBBUFFET.

20th Pokemon

157 662

The Dark Elf and Mindflayer horde stormed to the human city, the guards holded the doors and sounded the alarm but... they where not attacking, they where fleeing, and only one name was repeated over and over... DIRE SABLEYE.

18th Pokemon

176 675

The town was in ruins, the adventurers walked around and investigated. Apparently some bard played a flute near a dormant DIRE SNORLAX.

133 522

The iron golem fell in 4 perfectly cut pieces as the wizard gasped when the expensive spell broke with her construct. The paladin started to sweat nervously, he had grown attached to his armor and shield... but there's nothing a DIRE GRENINJA can't cut.

60 226

The adventurers walked through the wrecked frost giant village, there where only giant ice statues there.

fighter: Frost giants can't freeze to death!

wizard: oh no... it must have awakened, the absolute zero, DIRE ARTICUNO!

10th pokemon

146 543

The heroes finally arrived to the source of all anomalies, a place devoid of all reality torn from space beyond comprehension, In the middle the creature was suspended floating, a DIRE GARDEVOIR allready lurking in their minds


143 489

The martial arts tournament spectators stared in awe as the new challenger descended from the heavens engulfed in flames. The crowd roared as the champion accepted the DIRE BLAZIKEN's challenge.

Today's + martial arts tournament hook

99 406

The adventurers find all the buildings of the town with big deep cuts, soon they will have to face the blade of injustice, the green reaper, the buzzing sword... the DIRE SCYTHER! are they prepared?

today's pokemon, one of my faves

263 1048

The adventurers see a fain glow aproaching from the abyss, a demonic howling confirms their fears, it's the infernal crusader, the scion of nightmares, the growl of belial... the DIRE HOUNDOOM!

another pokemon whooo!

126 474

Your Party have trouble sleeping? want to show the elf what it is to have nightmares? throw a DIRE JIGGLYPUFF at your players!

[Insert creepy version of jigglypuff song with slow piano on background]

98 412