An excuse to show off my tief, this is Aniya ! She’s just a regular ol fighter tiefling! She owns a brothel though and enjoys playing cards w/ the boys

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wow im practicing a lot of shit i don’t usually do nice

anyway enjoy my edgelord warlock

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For the tag, I have many characters I have played/currently playing as so lets share my most recent one! Vanora! She's a Monk/Cleric in the Eberron campaign I play in! I've gone through a couple of design changes, but I love her still!

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I've got Cyrus Miller for
Cyrus got kicked out by his parents' for spray-painting over hateful graffiti on his younger brother's school, and moved to Barlow with his grandmother.

For 4 months the quiet mining town seems normal, until a strange fog rolls in...

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Here's my half-orc Ovark for

Ovark is a wizard on the autism spectrum who loves researching dragons and hyperfixates over all things related to them. He's very soft and shy and his best friend is his pseudodragon familiar

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love this tag!
Sharing my half-orc paladin Amara. Her mother is oni-orc which posses fiendish ancestry and usually have horns.

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Hey yall!! I wanna gush about my DnD gal again with this new tag! This is Dewdrop Azure, my Air Genasi who is a Lore Bard! She is currently about to get married, owns her own bakery, runs a book club, and plays music all the time!! She is a major sweetheart too!

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seems so much fun that I just had to jump on it! I couldn't choose just one so here are my spellcasters! ♡
-Nyx: Warlock of Singularity (simic hybrid/tiefling)
-Fiore: Celestial Warlock (tiefling)
- Rosalind: Shadow Sorcerer (shadar kai elf)
-Jinx: Wizard (Moogle)

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Gotta join in on this! Here are my boys: Llyr, Jericho, Devotion and Eridan (and his dragon mount, Havok)

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I'll hop on the bandwagon!

Skena is a fallen aasimar death cleric, daughter and worshipper of Anubis. She fell when she was banished from her temple for necromancy, and she's struggling to understand why when she works with dead tissues, not real souls.

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I haven't touched Tan in a long time but they are always in my heart, I love her.
and I'd love if you did too...

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Wanted to share a couple OCs for since I miss DnD a LOT!!!
Willow Fell is a traveling tiefling monk, a cheerful drifter with no destination until getting involved with his current party. He is often drunk/high in order to prevent any real thoughts from occurring.

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A little late but I wanted to participate in so here’s my baby girl Opal Elunia. She’s a glamour bard who found a family in her party, has a strong affinity for Dragonborn boys, and occasionally conspires to overthrow whole monarchies.

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any excuse to share Regret!
He's a paladin who's lived a hard life and is currently in Baldur's Gate with a runaway working towards keeping him safe and figuring out what the hell is going on in the city

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This is the party for the campaign I'm running!
We have Jebeddo, a gnome Arcane Trickster running from false accusations.
Breya, an elf Circle of Dreams Druid, who seeks the ancient druid of legend.
And Noah, a human Hexblade, seeking vengeance!

One happy family 😭

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Oh, this is my time to shine!
This is Rinza, a half-elf ranger and his animal companion, Ciro, aka his best friend.

He's looking for an old childhood friend who disappeared in strange circumstances and means a lot to him. Hope he can find her someday ;W;

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? They sounds like the perfect place for gaberiel! My aasimar bardlock! I’m currently working on a comic of his origins too but I’ll get back into it after college is done 🥰

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my calling... please meet some boys:

hades, reborn spirits bard w son named scoop
dr. marburg, human mutant blood hunter who has a zipper in his torso cavity
raphael, satyr eloquence bard / lawyer
carmine, rabbitfolk twilight cleric of ilmater, literal rope bunny

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My first character, Elizabeth Lan Mirrorlily.
Arcane trickster, and a little bit warlock.
A yuan-ti pureblood who was raised by a human crime family. Specializes in poisons and espionage. Got the worst perception rolls.
Happily has her own crime family post adventure.

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I saw there was a tag and I can’t sleep so I guess imma just join in for a second

-Morgan is my current ongoing character, he’s a Forge domain cleric who loves to help people and very often tries to make things for others.

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