画質 高画質

︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎🌱
c( ᐢ⓿ᴥ⓿)<not dog. 

17 149

 Good morning!

"This tree is said to be where a dog was sealed! How mysterious!"

31 156

Chisaka Ponri Keychain
(Dog girls are the best)

12 184

racing against the other divisions

hog-dog riiiiderr

11 85

寝起きでみやうち沙矢先生のDOG SIGNAL11巻読んで大号泣してしまった…。11巻はブリーダー崩壊がテーマのお話だったけど、犬好きの作者さんがあの内容を描くのは辛かっただろうに…凄いよ…。ラテとおばあちゃんの話でも大号泣した😭最高✨

0 2

犬島って苗字だからDOG EAT DOGが好きなはずだ

27 94

I didn't expect those dog and cat civilian to be this big in the game. Can't wait to see Blue Archive anime.😂

560 1013


153 1373

What age were you when you found out the dog from Blue's Clues is a girl?

8 175



84 712

Dog boyfriend sketches

4 40

🐶🐾Pokemon AU: Trainer Maelys (would like to know if she can pet your dog pokemon and give them treats🥺💕)

173 1331

[#ReigenAbuseWeek - day 3 - ANIMAL]

MobRei 🦊🐶

Is it a fox or a dog? It doesn't matter. Reigen has been abused by his previous owner and Mob needs to "take care" of him

42 158