画質 高画質

dude is a killer but he can be dominated by heartshaped LOLLIPOPS 😤

15 144

Tumblr ask told me to draw with my non-dominant hand and let's just say if my right hand becomes useless i am completely fucked LMAO

0 15

DominaGamess()様より新作ボードゲーム 『Eden's Shadow』にて

先行販売 4月27日(土)4月ゲームマーケット2024春にて
一般販売 5月 2日(木)

引用RP(RT)先のHPに詳細がございますので、… https://t.co/gW97EdXx2Q https://t.co/p0JRhnGl6a

28 145

when that one guy just dominate all of my fav charas

2497 8747

That day, Aqua finally recalled, was the terror of once dominated by them


4 18

応援がてら買わせていただいた桐生さん( )の塗り絵カードで遊ばせていただきました✨
使用インク: 夜梅香/HITOMA調色、赫耶/文具館コバヤシ、Diptonコーラルハミング/SAILOR、ALCHEMIST INK
Philosopher's Stone /dominant industry

4 12

perspective study drawing with Astreanova.... dominate me pls 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️

1 4

/dominant industry
Philosopher's Stone

11 15

kalo art! dominannya warna ini enaknya background warna apa yah biar bisa agak hidup t____t

1 69

Day 632 - showing of dominance

just to let you know, Hiniature has wings too! XDD

210 1431

-bllkisah -bllkarya
CW // pair // BL // b/b bxb // kncg / kunichigi / kunigiri

Sender berencana bikin part 2 dari AU di bawah ini dengan banyakin PoV dari Kuni, setelah kemarin dominan PoV Chigi. Ada yang berminat di-tag? Tinggalkan jejak username ya. Terima kasih!
-renma https://t.co/TddXTi2TTF

3 7

My wrist hurts so I drew this with my non dominant hand...

Can I get 1 🩷 for the effort 😔

273 6636


2 8

dkbk //old art(again) i heard cats lick each other to establish dominance, but when rabbits lick each other, the receiver is dominant😂

290 2224

海のトリトンの子供達 114
When Romans wore a cloak, I think they pinned it so that it was easier to use their dominant arm
Triton is right-handed🙄

42 516

i have 4 for you
Dalula,a kitsune E-girl wannabe
Seraphel, an angel with desires to dominate people
Ishna, a spirit made ot of pure lust
and Suh, bc i really like Suh :p

1 34

I can assure you dear viewer, it was necessary for Marly and Mai to have been bound and gagged in duct tape while they were cosplaying at a competitive Pokémon tournament dominating the entire event. Their rivals had to get rid of them out of the way somehow!

18 136

COC 「 Desire to Dominate. 」

PL/PC ごまさん / ヒワタリ セツ
KP/KPC 井ノ内 / ヨウ

2024.1.30 ~ 2024.2.1

事前から丁寧に丁寧に関係を組ませて頂いてこ これ本編今から……⁉という感情が強すぎますハアハア 身長差 癖の 塊…!!


3 21