prompt: Husky.
Did you know that there are 22 dog breeds that are considered huskies? Schmincke Watercolor, Hahnemühle Postcard, Ref by Jeannette1980
ial ühle_USA
ühle FineArt

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prompt: Waves. Did you know the largest wave recorded was 1,720 feet tall? Schmincke Super-Granulating Set White Gouache Hahnemühle Bamboo paper ial ühle_USA ühle FineArt

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prompt: Snowdrops.
Did you know Galanthus, The scientific name for snowdrops translates to ‘milk flower’? Da Vinci Watercolor,Hahnemühle Collection Paper
* Photo ref by katerinavulcova ühle_USA ühle FineArt

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SbS, thanks Doodlewash for the ideas

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prompt: Moon.
Did you know the Moon is moving away from earth about 1.5 inches every year?
Schmincke Super-Granulating Set
Hahnemühle Collection Cold Press Watercolor Paper
ial ühle_USA ühle FineArt#WorldWatercolorGroup

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prompt: Sky.
Did you know that there a four kinds of desert - Hot, Coastal, Icy, and Cold?
* Hahnemühle Rough Collection Watercolor paper
* Photo reference by naturfreund_pics
ial ühle_USA ühleFineArt

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prompt: Goose.
Did you know the Egyptian Goose is actually a duck?
* DaVinci Sketching Stuff Watercolor Palette
* Hahnemühle Cold Press Postcard
ühle_USA ühle FineArt

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prompt: Fruitcake.
Did you know that the oldest known fruitcake is 144 years old? In 2003, it was taken on the Jay Leno show, and he took a bite.
ühle_USA ühle FineArt #

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prompt: Pomegranate.
Did you know the word pomegranate means ‘apple with many seeds’?
* DaVinci Sketching Stuff Watercolor Palette
* Hahnemühle Cold Press Harmony
ühle_USA ühle FineArt

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prompt- Bicycle.
Did you know that to move around on the first version of a bicycle, you hard to push your feet against the ground? The Flintstones had it right?
* Hahnemühle Cold Press Watercolor Postcard
* Supervision Watercolor

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A prrrrrfectly terrific painting by Sandra Strait! Hahnemühle 100% Cotton Watercolor book WatercolorSnacks Spring 2022 Van Gogh Watercolor Palette ühle_USA

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