1. Wigglytuff
2. Bellossom
3. Banette
4. Drifblim or Yanmega
5. Audino
6. Slurpuff
7. Magearna
8. Arctovish
9. Bombirdier https://t.co/L7DlLR6wNu

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Karen Crosso ( https://t.co/t7xr9EfOOR ) summoning a Drifblim against Roxanne

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If wondering what is my Halloween costume it Drifblim

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Spookyween Hours.

I don't post art a lot but I recently re-designed one of my ancient babies. C used to be a Drifblim Gijinka but she looks pretty cute as Chandelure too! u_u7

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On Halloween nights, beware suspicious Drifblim-like individuals wandering around... they might just decide to turn you into one yourself!

Drifmagius has certainly engaged in some mischief here~

Thanks so much to those who participated! Happy Halloween everyone~

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I JUST realised why Fantina’s gym in Pokémon DP makes you do maths - her Drifloon/Drifblim “X” shape = the multiplication symbol or a sideways + shape?!

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Pokémon Girl Halloween Costume 5: Dawn & Drifblim. Sorry this took a while, some stuff came up. For the design I went with a fancy dancer type design akin to Fantina. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Who do you believe to be Fantina’s true ace Pokémon? Mismagius or Drifblim? [https://t.co/aeziX377DM]

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[HOT] Who do you believe to be Fantina’s true ace Pokémon? Mismagius or Drifblim? [https://t.co/aeziX377DM]

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Ghost & Fall themed art: Gengar with Clefable - Dusknoir with Duskull - Farigiraf with Grafaiai - Drifblim with Drifloon.

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Here the idea of it. It's Drifblim from pokemon

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426 - Drifblim
Type: Ghost / Flying

Abilities: Aftermath, Unburden, Flare-boost

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426 - Drifblim
Type: Ghost / Flying

Abilities: Aftermath, Unburden, Flare-boost

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Pokémon adopts! they are all going for 2⃣5⃣usd
The froakie had his price reduced from 35 to 25 ((:

in order:
1. Mew + Zorua + Drifblim Fusion
2. Chikorita + Litwick line
3. Mushroom Froakie
4. Very cool and fresh Charmander😎
5. Vulpix + Ribombee

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