Kofi for somebody! DustBerry

4 101

My favourite ship after killmare and errorink
(drawing kissing is quite a nice challenge, especially after since I haven't drawn that in ages. )
Dust by Ask-dustale
Blueberry by popcorn pr1nce

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Dustberry :)))))))

Dust belongs to Ask- DustTale
Blueberry belongs to P0pc0rnPr1nce

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I don’t particularly ship Dustberry — but I saw a YT vid bout em and thought it was cute. So here’s my attempt to draw these two together (´▽`) ✨

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Dream and Nightmare belongs to Joku Blog
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas
Cross belongs to Jael Peñaloza
Dust belongs to Biozonic
Blueberry belongs to PopCornPr1nce

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