I love how much these two hate eachother istg

4 30

Anyway, have some new ART ART ART. I've been working on Gala's Flow design for ages on Patreon now for chapter 3. But it turns out we don't see it until 4 😂 Oh well, have Impasto's head for now. Their full body design will be shown off later on (... it's very surreal)

7 41

OK so i sat on my butt for 40mins and roughed out the cover for the previous chapter since it didn't actually have one. My Patrons chose the design of this one a few months ago. Going to work it into final shiny artwork by the end of the month ✨

10 50

You'll get Gala and Unusti's bio's in the next chapter :)

13 55

Here's some Meio Dia 🎶

6 27

*vibrates in anticipation of chapter 3* I can't wait to introduce Unusti and her Flow Taniguchi properly 😭 my oldest OC's *lol* 💕 The three of them are so badass unughhh
I'm nearly done writing the first draft of the script before I jump to the art next month!

9 44

This page of my comic always makes me laugh. Artists are weird.

12 42

Pi doodle paint thing

4 40

Another Patreon request (sketch? lol) completed 😆
I drew human Arx once years ago but this is the first time I've drawn her out properly. In the comic all the Creators take various, multiple human forms at one point, so this is one of Argands :)
Stomp on meeeee~❤️

8 41

Felt like putting all my best Engelbaum art in one post 💜

2 21

derpy Unusti appreciation post since I'm writing her today in the comic (FINALLY).

6 18

Buffy McStrongwife Bufferton

9 45

Hey! My name is TRiPPY. I make a neon abomination of a comic called all about artists and what it means to be creative. Expect rainbows, sparkles, weird dreams and spaghetti

Main: https://t.co/ZNKvFJ3ypY
Patreon: https://t.co/slV7WUy2e5
Tapas: https://t.co/1ofXo0zEd4

5 22

Lol these two art nerds have something in common. I wonder if they'll get along.

2 9