Some older art of my half-drow cleric of Eilistraee, Elys! They’re very small and very soft and very sweet, and they can’t ever hit a godsdamned thing with Guiding Bolt.✨

Third pic featuring ’s Hawch, fourth pic featuring younger them with their family!

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An illustration of an NPC and PC of my campaign. One was saved and the other one left behind by Eilistraee. Their interactions are amazing and the party is currently working in saving the one left behind. RTs and Follows appreciated <3

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hey it’s the art I made for eilistraee for chris’s “trimester of troubles” game :^)

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I'd love to enter my gal Lillith, just to see how things would play out 😌

She's a paladin of Eilistraee (drow goddess of the arts and freedom), and formerly a worshipper of Beshaba (goddess of misfortune/trickery). She's working to become a better person (and failing miserably)

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I have Marius on the brain so ask away! What would you like to know about my Tiefling/Aasimar Paladin of Eilistraee??

Portrait by
Sketch by ft the handsome Leander (played by )

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Done! Grayscale first is helping speed along the process.
Diana 2022, my Eilistraee worshiping drow bard.
Now what to draw during stream tonight🤔

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Me boi Denavir is a gentle soul (usually) who barely managed to escape the horrors of his home in the Underdark. Blessed with magic by Eilistraee, he seeks to undo what he can of the tragedy that befell his sister as a result of his own cowardice. He likes tea and dancing.

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Trying to be more active here so I thought I’d share an "old" painting of an NPC of my D&D campaign to shorten the wait time until my next pic. Renz is a circus director and ex Eilistraee follower.

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T'rissae Helvimtor, a Drow Elf Paladin/Bard of Eilistraee that I play in a Descent into Avernus game. She's one of my favorite PCs that I've played - self-assured and righteous in her dealings. Here is her original and current portrait.

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Well there is my dnd character Esmeray. She is a follower of Eilistraee and through her I actually was able to find my love for the moon and night, so she is also an inspiration for my vtuber model. She has a very dark past but has the most cheery personality. 😊

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"High Priestess of Eilistraee"
- Dnd character concept

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QT with a picture of your deity.

Eilistraee is the chaotic good Drow goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting, within the Drow pantheon known as the Dark Seldarine.

Art by MMATopgun Art 💖

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A few more from that circle I did.

Goblin shortstack, based on @/Huffslove's design.
Eilistraee, best D&D Goddess.
Raku-chan, for those that know where that's from.
Punpun. Oyasumi Punpun.

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Slya (she/they) is a knowledge cleric of a triad of moon deities (Selune, Eilistraee, & Sehanine Moonbow). They're basically the party mum & medic. She loves learning about magic, seeing new places, & her wife.
(art by @/Cha_C_San, @/EmmacityArt, @/quailknight, @/roppi_poppy)

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Another appreciation-post for my drow paladin of Eilistraee; Kassandra! (featuring her ex, Mi'kaela, a paladin of Lolth)🌙🕷️

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I just got today this awesome Reference Sheet of Lystra, my Drow Eilistraee Cleric, made by the awesome !! Please go check her out. I hope I can get to work with her again soon on my other two DnD girls

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I'm very new to DnD, but here is my Drow, Istormar, who was saved and taken in by a priestess of Eilistraee after he was injured and left for dead during a surface raid.

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She dances around in battle, striking things & then moving away. Her channel divinity is insane, granting the party 1d6+2 temp hit points every round. She just turned level 3 so I am looking forward to the addition of spells such as Moonbeam. Look how cool Eilistraee is tho:

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My drow bard joined the worshipers of Eilistraee and I wanted to draw the priestess that greeted her. I wanted to give her a serene and mature look.

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