🐸 The Great Witch Shelby 🐸

Featuring extra outfits :D

42 402

Day 16 - Free day ( draw what u want!)

im really worn out from my bday so I can only really manage a sketch but!

9 57

Day 12 - Bard

Finally, I have a full flat colour design of my semi-faithful/adjacent design on his MC skin!
He's just a lil guy!

31 173

Its okay Oli, we know you're in denial and embarrassed about your action🥴😏with Eddie, take it at your own pace sweetie

The more u deny C!Oli and Eddie are an item the more we continue to ship/hj

28 252

Day 11 - Cursed

I promised you Oli that I was gonna come back today with an Olitober so uH

There's consequences to killing the dragon,,,

16 96

Day 1 - ORB

Are yall as excited to do Oli-Tober as I am? I'm determined to get as far as I can through my own prompt list lol

7 83

💀CW: Major character death, a corpse ig💀
it was only a matter of time before I started making proper angst in this fandom

Not based on canon! Just making angst for the sake of angst ✌️

49 289

Currently art blocked, but that won't stop me from creating EmpireSMP fanart >:))

My favorite artists to follow!!:

9 39

ive been convinced to draw the cuddle buddies, I love Eddie and Oli,,,
🥺He keeps him safe while he rests,,,

18 250

Helooo o/ I'm zzero but you can call me Kyle too ! I do art f things that I enjoy alot :D quite look forward to make more empiresmp and 3rd/last/double lifesmp art hehe :))

4 11

in the superhero au Jimmy can speak to animals
does he realise this? absolutely not. He thinks it's just Norman he understands-

7 36

scott doodle before bed, im discovering coloured bgs for sketches/j

2 29

Pushing my propaganda yet again, by drawing two of my moots sonas and mine. Maybe more to come? We’ll see :)

8 49

This took me an embarrassingly long time to finish

87 1701

💀It seems like you've met an unfortunate fate, did you stray off the path to The Evermore, by any chance? 💀

Y'all voted for a Shubble comic first so! :D Pushing my background skills to their limit here lmao 😁

46 422

so i know Oli fell into the ocean not the forest but i cant draw water for the life of me so uh-

some more landscape practice cause I have art block :(

27 340