The fact that NFTs are disrupting borders & giving a wide range of opportunities for people all over the world keeps me going ! 💜💪

11 26

This time last year ENCRYPTAS reached the 1K $ETH volume traded on 📈

Since then we have
🌺supported over 50+ artists in the NFT space
🌺worked with causes & charities we care about
🌺held exclusive 1/1 auctions for holders

This past year is just the beginning, LFG 🚀

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10 000 Faceless coder chicks ready to onboard anybody and every body to take on their journey in Web 3 💜🫂

☑️Launched Sept 2021 🫡
☑️1000+ eth volume traded🔥
☑️3700+ holders💎
☑️Exclusive access to 1/1 art auctions 💐

Link to the Collection ⏬

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I see that legitimate projects will be absorbing the coming liquidity in Web 3

Its a shame that rug projects existed and created this image of NFTs. However those who are here long term I believe will prove this narrative wrong 💜💪

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Greed is gone & only genuine people building wonderful things are left 💜

Bear markets are actually a great thing for builders & passionate people about web 3.

Let's keep pushing forward 💪

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Where are my faceless coder chicks going through the bear market ? 👀💪

Drop them below 👇

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A year ago the collection was recording its highest number of sales.

4061 pieces sold in secondary market after bought 42 pieces 😱😱

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Create art that gives you purpose. Strip NFTs back to it's core you will find that art & the community supporting it are NFTs greatest utility

Created this rare ENCRYPTAS trait using an unreleased line drawing sumbolic of the co-founder and I. Keep creating fellow artists 💜

14 40

My first drop on was Intuition Babe

She was minted when the market was hopeful, & when I began the groundwork for one of the biggest ventures in my life, ENCRYPTAS

Sharing her today for this community of talented, dedicated and passionate web 3 builders 🌺

12 30

Web 3 is at the stage of what the internet was in the 2000's.

Keep focusing on the bigger picture. We are just getting started 💜

12 24

Starting the year strong & grinding hard for the fam.

Enjoying the bear market and the juicy announcements coming soon, buckle up 💜🔥

11 25

Still building both of my collections. The & 💜🌺

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is a 10K collectible project envisioning for the long run.

We know that onboarding many more women in web 3 will not happen overnight.

We take this journey as a marathon & not a sprint 💪

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Combat tank revolutionary 💜🌺🟠

3 13

....and these are my latest 2022 💎💎

1. Encryptas by
2. Silenced by
3. Dimensi by

Thank you so much to this great Artists for their awesome work🫀👌🏽👏🏽
I'm delighted having this pieces in my growing collection.....💛🐝

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Female lead projects will make the greatest come back in 2023 💜🚀

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