//=time() ?>
>when a group of shamans visits my workplace and trying to steal energies and entities embedded in the collections and i have to bust my ass off in silence trying to police them.
It’s kinda funny how all artworks i have of these two just have completely different energies 😭
hi artist! tiba tiba kekumpul energi buat interaksi dan nambah frenss, anyone wannabe 🐄? oh iya, kalo sender buat grup semacam kyangtist atau dc, adakah yang mau join?? here's a cute haerin with twinkle eyes so i caught your attention
And now he’s telling me “black and white” focus on history.
Would it after the course of my history?
Energies to transcend avoid endin’
The world be a lifesaver, can be a weapon at the same time.
2 :
Teknik Utahime bisa gak sengaja nge-boost energi kutukan musuh ❌
Utahime bisa milih targetnya sendiri, siapa yang mau dia boost ✅
❪ warning spoiler ❫
1 :
Utahime cuma bisa kasih boost ke SATU orang aja ❌
Teknik Utahime bisa kasih boost energi kutukan ke BEBERAPA orang penyihir ✅
jjk! guys yuuta itu terlahir dengan energi kutukan tapi dorman dan baru teraktivasi (?) saat rika ketabrak atau sebelumnya yuuta memang gapunya energi kutukan tapi akhirnya dia punya saat lihat rika ketabrak? kalo yuuta memang terlahir dengan energi kutukan dan misalkan (cont..)
The way you complete your mission energizes many people!CONGRATS!!!
#LethalCompany #VShojoArt #ironmouseart #TheGameAwards
Boa noite! Durmam bem.
Tá chovendo bem forte. Caiu até um raio a 100m daqui. Eu, como gosto de ver raios, fiquei feliz do que com medo kkkkkkkk. Pode ser que acabe a energia, então bye bye~
Babu! Yg tau lore shenhe ada yg bisa jawab? Shenhe nih exorcist juga kan ya? Dia energi Yang nya besar gk kyk ponakannya? Sama satu lagi dia bisa makan pedes2 atau nggk?
Boa tarde! Como estão?
Acabou a energia logo de manhã. Deu nem pra ver anime. Agora voltou, mas espero que não acabe de novo.