Day 1: Luck

‘Til now, still consider them one of my luckiest rolls. :)

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Day 1 "Luck"
Ah yes, the day when I pull Universal Genius Da☆Vinci-chan and THE PERSONIFICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF DEATH ITSELF. My luckiest day in FGO.

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Day 15~ give me tsun Galahad please! I want a tsun kouhai~~

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Day 13! Favourite assassin, its been a while since i tried this style...

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Day 6!
Snowboarding mashu~~ I just changed by username on here if anyone's confused

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Fgotober Day 9 Favourite Archer ~ it kind of obvious who it is lol ( I’m so behind oh noes)

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Day 7! I hope to catch up with this before my hw catches up with me...
; ;

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Day 8!
Favourite Saber <3 I hope I can get him once Arthur comes to NA ; u ;

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Day 5! I'm late because of homework..
Here's casual Eresh from the Lawson Collab!

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Day 4 Swimsuit Ereshkigal ~

This is very messy ; ;

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day 6 fgotober magical gurrrrrrrrl

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Fgotober day 4 -swimsuit!!! Marie is my daughter

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I'm 2 days behind! >< Fgotober day 3 - glasses!!!

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