
8 82

System Shock (1994), A game that has a rightful place in FPS history. Have you played this version of the classic?

17 196

Time to settle something... if you could have 2 weapons from any FPS to fight your way through a zombie apocalypse, what two would it be?

6 51

Titanfall (2014), With a new single player game set in the Apex Legends universe on the horizon... do you think we may get another Titanfall?

2 38


I'm going to post the time lapse here so stay tuned guys..

0 4

Duke Nukem 3D (1996), When Duke made his way onto the consoles, he was shown to a whole new audience! How did you first play this legendary FPS?

10 50

The Operative: No One Lives Forever (2000), When was the last time you played this FPS?

5 35

Love is In The Air

0 1

ZombiU (2012), The zombie apocalypse is upon us, you are in London. The closest item to your left is your weapon... Are you going to survive?

4 28

Darkwatch (2005), Hunting down the undead in the Wild West sounds like a great time, but what do you think of this 6th generation FPS?

7 31

The Wheel of Time (1999), Play as Elayna Sedai in this magical FPS based on the best selling book series by Robert Jordan. Who played this one back in the day?

7 38

Ion Fury (2018), Previously known as Ion Maiden, this modern Build Engine game is a great throwback to yesterday's FPS golden age. What are your thoughts?

19 108

Ion Fury (2018), The Build engine still packs a punch! What do you think of this modern Boomer Shooter?

32 182