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Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

47 249

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

15 96

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

51 237

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (1442)
by Fra Angelico
Style: Early Renaissance

1 1

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

15 77

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

3 34

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

13 82

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

25 130

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

15 66

«Nie zatrzymuj Mnie, jeszcze bowiem nie wstąpiłem do Ojca. Natomiast udaj się do moich braci i powiedz im: Wstępuję do Ojca mego i Ojca waszego oraz do Boga mego i Boga waszego».
(J 20, 11-18)

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Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1442

30 127