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i just think it's neat when riz gets carried in battle. he's travel-sized!
#fantasyhigh #rizgukgak #fabianseacaster
u ever accidentally almost throw ur best friend into a demonic portal of a chest bc ur pride was hurt a while ago from a coach? no? just #fabianseacaster ???
#fantasyhigh #dimension20 #d20 #rizgukgak
Have some #acepride babies and some #fabug if that is what the ship is called I dont kNOW
#fantasyhigh #dimension20 #d20 #fabianseacaster #gorgugthistlespring #rizgukgak #adaineabernant #asexual
we got some #trackerbees, some #fabriz, some #goragh which i have no clue if that even IS their ship name and #donospring
#fantasyhigh #d20 #dimension20 #fabianseacaster #gorgugthistlespring #raghbarkrock #trackeroshaughnessey #kristenapplebees #zeldadonovan
does anybody remember when #fabianseacaster got himself a nat20 to launch off #gilearfaeth bc i will never forget
#fantasyhigh #dimension20 #d20
i will go down with this ship alright
#fantasyhigh #dimension20 #d20 #fabianseacaster #fabriz #rizgukgak
fabian let riz hold onto his coat while he practiced dueling with his mom and was not prepared for the sight
#fantasyhigh #dimension20 #fabriz #fabianseacaster #rizgukgak #figfaeth
a few scenes from fantasy high live mirror p2 that i needed to draw #fantasyhigh #dimension20 #fantasyhighlive #fabianseacaster #kristenapplebees #raghbarkrock
an art dump of some fabriz art ive got on my tumblr #fabriz #fabianseacaster #rizgukgak #fantasyhigh