Marvel: cast as Firestar!!! 👏
Do it, it’s perfect, she gave it to us already.🔥🔥 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

0 4

For a bit of fun, I was doing some fancasting for my Ant-Man characters. I realized Mark Strong would be perfect for Elias Starr

So now I'm tempted to draw Mark Strong repeatedly just to make my Egghead look like him

1 8

fancasting joe keery as scarecrow for one of the batman sequels. this man would BODY jonathan crane, and i'm right!

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I don't really like fancasting characters but hear me out,,, Doja cat as Dazzler

0 6

Almost forgot that I did this, but the next fancasting voice actor thread is going to be around Spider-Man. I'm not going to do every major character since that's gonna be a 20+ tweet thread so I'm just gonna stick to the most notable villains and protagonists.


1 17

i heard we're fancasting adam driver who has time for that shit?

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Fancasting the X-Men for the MCU

6 27

read this as gord broly and i didnt question it because theyre both vegetables either way super badass idea for a fancasting i just had

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Transformers Fancasting (Thread)

First off with Optimus Prime. It has to be someone with a great leader type voice, but can also sound incredibly authoritative and powerful when he needs to. I would love to see Jamieson Price in the role.

6 28

“America isn’t Afro-Latina! She’s an alien!”
But y’all still see Cl*rk K*nt as white. Before X*chitl was even casted, people thought America was black and were fancasting her as black actresses all the time, so explain that 🤨 I’m tired of y’all acting like you’re colorblind!

3 9

Ok hear me out
Fancasting as
DCs Zatanna
She fits perfectly 🔥

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if you are a fan of Jess, a fantastic but criticized character who receives a lot of sexist comments, it is quite ironic that you make comments like that about a woman. we all have different fancastings for SW, but if your comment involves insulting an actress:

1 18

Please don't come after me...This is for fancasting for fun....but this just came to my head. I can totally see as Nightwing. He kinda looks like him & got the skills to pulled it off. He did amazing as in the 🔥😎🌌 !

10 53

Okay you know how everyone is fancasting Henry Cavill as Arthas? Dave Bautista would be so good as Bolvar Fordragon

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Everybody out here fancasting Fantastic Four but let's see you do Alpha Flight. I'll start...
First Wendigo, Guardian, Puck and Aurora

1 23

Ben 10 Fancasting Thread

First for Ben. Strong had a very distinct performance to Ben, & it's kind of hard to think of an actress that can come close to the way she did it, especially given how different it is from other kid characters she's played. I'd go for Nika Futterman

2 12

Guys guys guys guys guys guys

god-tier fancasting

Bob Odenkirk as Norman Osborn (Dark Avengers era)

3 27

Got a new patreon post sharing some WIP's I'm developing for a friends Fancasting of the Addams Family. Check out everything I have so far here: & enjoy this little teaser XD

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i was looking up that big time tommie instagram guy for a second to show my brother and every day this unholy fancasting rears its head

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