It's feature Friday! So of course I'm posting 's fresh release! Go buy it!!!

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Ty &
I don't focus as much on covers as I should... mainly because the majority of the books I read are on kindle. Anyway here are some striking ones, two of which I have in paperback.
and ... Love these!

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Amelia is a royal dragon-shifter. In addition to transforming, she breathes blue flames, which burn hotter than the yellow flames of a non-royal, and have the ability to burn other dragons.

Art by:

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I'm Maxime, and I write MM and queer romance laced with erotica.
MY current WIP is the sequel to my upcoming Ancient Rome trilogy, with the events picking up more than 20 years after the trilogy ends.

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Hi I’m Joyce! My current wip is a high fantasy about the gods of Time and Chaos. It’s a sorta sequel/spin-off to my series. I’m about halfway through and the fun shit is about to start 😏


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