Drew a Wallpaper Art for Soli (Victini) of FATE's Cycle. Soli is the physical manifestation of the Sun in Albertroph and possesses limitless fire potential, making him maniacal and extremely powerful in fights.

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To finish the Nation Leader Concept arts, is Sofexa (Female Meowstic) of FATE's Cycle. She is one of the leaders of Luxen (The Light Nation) with Dynkris (Male Meowstic) as her partner. They both make a good dual in battle and as she's an archer, is a ranged shooter.

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Dynkris (Male Meowstic) of FATE's Cycle is one of the two leaders of the nation of Luxen (The Light Nation). Like his female partner Sofexa (Female Meowstic), they both rule their nation keeping its citizens top priority but as a Purity's weakness, they fear easier.

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Ikaro (Braixen), is the nation leader of Solaria in FATE's Cycle. As Solaria is the nation known for mining and minerals, he is sometimes conceited in his duties and specializes in gain and power over morality. Regardless, he is one of the strongest nation leaders.

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Next on the concept art roster is Masa (Weavile) of FATE's Cycle. She is leader of the nation Eclipsena (The Dark Nation), and stands strong in her policy to only give support to those who she sees the strongest. Clipso (Pancham), the demi-god of Darkness, was one.

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Drew a concept art of Hisa (Ralts) of FATE's Cycle in her "Trinity Mafia" outfit. She, along with Clipso (Pancham) and Isho (Hitmontop) make up the three leaders of "The Trinity Mafia", the initial antagonists of FC.

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Soren (Marshadow) for FATE's Cycle is the only fragment of FATE to possess its true powers. As a result, he shares FATE's goals and ideals which makes him vulnerable to its control. Some attributes of Soren are different, like Red Flames and Eyes.

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Lunara, the Moon Nation of FATE's Cycle is a monarch based government. Thus, the Lunarian royal family can only assume the throne. The members are: Chujo (Gallade) who's King, Kiba (Gardevoir) who's Queen, and Hisa (Ralts) who's heiress.

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The concept art for Hoko (Snivy) of FATE's Cycle. He is a private investigator who is involved in the investigation of the Trinity Mafia, who are the initial antagonists of FC. Unknowingly, he is getting into much deeper conflicts other than the TM.

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First Pic: From December 2016. Second Pic: From June 2017 Third Pic: From December 2017 (12/15). I've improved so much in the past year. Lets hope this next year will be better once animating starts.

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Decided to finish the concept art for Clipso's Trinity Mafia Outfit for tonight. As a leader of TM, he has to wear formal attire and a mask for anonymous looks. Why he is in the Mafia, will be revealed as events on FC unravel together.

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Next on side characters, is Isho (Hitmontop). A member of a runner faction in Albertroph, Isho's live was solely bounty hunting. He didn't affiliate himself with any authorial figure, he is only trying to hunt to survive. He, like Hisa will play a major role in FC

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To introduce the side character's, here is the concept art for Hisa (Ralts) of Fate's Cycle. Being the heiress of the Lunarian government, she isn't that fond of her royalty. Under her father and monarch Chujo (Gallade), she learned to fight and venture on her own

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Soren (Marshadow) of Fate's Cycle, is the physical embodiment of FATE. He, unlike the Destined Diamond is a complete fragment of FATE and thus, has the most open personalities and traits. Along with being a Journalist/Watcher, this will prove to be a consequence.

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Luxi (Jirachi) of Fate's Cycle is the physical manifestation of light. She is at most pure hearted and prideful of herself and others. While she possesses immense strength, she doesn't like the idea of harming someone.

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Back from Febuary - April 2017, Fate's Cycle was formerly known as "Fate's Trinity". Currently I finished 3 of the 8 concept arts of the main cast of FC and let me say, this brings back some memories, when Luno, Clipso, and Soli were the only ones.

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Besides the concept arts, my next artworks will focus solely on illustrations of scenes from Fate's Cycle.(Battles, Interaction)

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Next on the concept art roster is Clipso (Pancham) from Fate's Cycle.

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Managed to accomplish this tonight. The concept artwork for Luno (Riolu) for my fan made Pokemon series "Fate's Cycle".

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Update: The Halloween art will most likely be done on Friday. Afterwards, I'll start storyboarding for FC. The plot begins...

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