Last week's post featured Tanagers from Rex Brasher's 'Birds and Trees of North America.' Learn more here:

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We thought that with all the snow that has hit most of the U.S. we’d bring some color to our with New World Buntings from Rex Brasher’s limited-edition, 12-volume set 'Birds and Trees of North America.' Learn more here:

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It's Today we revisit the 6th edition of Thomas Bewick‘s classic field guide 'A History of British Birds,' with his wood engravings of the smaller falcons, a part of what Bewick refers to as “The Falcon Tribe of rapacious birds.” View more:

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This week for we present some cuts of American wading and marsh birds from the educational reader 'Neighbors with Wings and Fins' by the 19th-century American educator James Johonnot from our Historical Curriculum Collection. Learn more:

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Happy Beautiful (Sitta formosa) are native to southeast Asia, particularly in the eastern Himalayas. by John Gould and Henry C. Richter for Gould's of Asia, Vol. 2 (1850-83), in via :

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To commemorate the Wisconsin hunting tradition this we present some wood engravings of game birds from 'American Game in its Seasons' by Henry William Herbert (aka Frank Forester) printed in New York by Poole & MacLauchlan in 1873. Learn more:

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Today's is all PIGEONS, FANCY AND FINE! Today we present some domestic pigeon varieties from the two-volume set, 'The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication' by Charles Darwin, published in 1896. See more pigeons here:

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Last week for we focused on birds and their nests with a few plates from the appropriately-named children’s book Birds and Their Nests by the English poet and author Mary Howitt. Learn more here:

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Happy Mallee ringneck (Barnardius zonarius barnardi), one of the subspecies of colorful Australian ringneck from John Gould's of Vol. 5 (1848). View in with thanks to :

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It's also We've been seeing lots of hummingbirds lately so today we're sharing some of these tiny, aggressive, mainly nectar-eating birds with a few pages from 'Birds in Their Homes' by Addison Webb & illustrations by Sabra Mallett Kimball.

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Today for we present select pages from our 1959 Limited Editions Club production of Aristophanes' 'The Birds' with illustrations by American artist Marian Parry. Learn more here:

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For we've got three avian prints with examples of their preliminary drawings, from 'Endangered Species, and Other Fables with a Twist' by the noted German-American wood engraver, illustrator, and educator Fritz Eichenberg. See more here:

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For this week, we return to our sibling collection, the American Geographical Society Library’s set of French natural history books 'Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle' with a few hand-colored, steel-engraved avian plates. Learn more:

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For we've got some wood engravings of vegetation from American wood engraver and book artist Michael McCurdy’s retrospective collection 'Toward the Light,' published in Erin, Ontario by The Porcupine’s Quill in 1982. Learn more here:

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Birds of the park, and elsewhere: Keinen kachō gafu........ (Album of drawings of flowers and birds by Imao Keinen and Jirokichi Tanako)..........1891-1892, Winter volume.........BHL/Harold B Lee Library..........

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(Recurvirostra avosetta) sweep their curved bills side to side to search for aquatic invertebrates. SciArt by Elizabeth Gould for John Gould's Birds of Europe, Vol. 4 (1837). In via :

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Birds of the park: Ibis, from the British Ornithologists Union.......... ser. 8, vol. 5, 1905.......

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Happy Moluccan King-parrots (Alisterus amboinensis) are natives of specific Indonesian rainforests. from The Birds of Celebes and the Neighbouring Islands (1898) by A.B. Meyer and L.W. Wiglesworth, via & :

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Is anyone crafting to pass the time while In Milan in 1618, Dionisio Minaggio created 156 illustrations of birds, people & landscapes, all made entirely of collaged bird feathers!

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The European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) is similar to a rainbow when flying. The English term "bee-eater" was first recorded in 1668, referring to the European species. collection

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