Alder-trees needs more practise, more fieldwork required...

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I am really excited to share our preprint "A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable fieldwork in biology" 1/6

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Vyn MR ✦Morning Glory✦

Slivers of warm morning light illuminate his fair complexion.

✨On Dec.17, participate in the limited-time "Special Consultation" event in Fieldwork to obtain the new MR card, Mind Star MR, S-Chip, and many other rewards.

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Taking your levels.

(Confessions of an archaeologist: Have to write down that setup and formula every single time again. 😬🙄😉)

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🌺 Luke: Golden Camillia

No wonder I couldn't find it, it's a rare flower only grown in Southern China and Northern Vietnam (Interestingly, Luke's fieldwork is in South Stellis, so this geography fits!) Generally, camellia symbolizes devotion, longevity, and perfection.

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過去作 Fieldwork.XV(2018)

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小林明日香vol.4 fieldwork

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Oh, has anyone ever read this manga??? I LOVE IT A LOOOT! It's about a human in fantasy world who tries to learn other creature's language (there's wolf people, crocodile people, etc.)

It quite accurately show how linguist learn language and linguistic in fieldwork

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Sorry *Mariana, not Micronesian in the last tweet. Taxonomy keeps changing! Here's a Mariana Kingfisher perched on an old wrecked tank, inspired by things I've seen doing fieldwork on Saipan.

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MR card meaning the cards are not from gacha, either we obtain it from fieldwork or etc :0

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Lined up for a project team for exciting Mediterranean (Roman) fieldwork next summer. It's still early and in the admin stages. Please cross fingers. Looking forward to sharing the exciting details as/when/if.

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As we return from fieldwork we're thinking about Flowers Barrow hillfort captured in this painting (Near Worbarrow Bay 1930) by the supremely talented Philip Leslie Moffat Ward

It's in the ever wonderful Museum 😍


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hellooo here's some info on fieldwork (i didn't explain in full detail though) also, the following are obtained in the field work feature, p1 being a clothing reward when you reach lvl25 on a character, and p2 (clothing) & p3 (MR cards) for limited special consultation events

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The of 🍀🎨


Artist: Daniel Oxford


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My joints have been VERY angry the past few weeks. I have an MRI schedule for my knee(s) cause I’m currently unable to do fieldwork. But it’s also affecting drawing and just, daily tasks. Thank y’all for being so patient with me, I can’t catch a break ;;

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It's been a long road here, but Fieldwork has finally released on Itch!

A massive thank you to this community and the people here for supporting this project, none of this would be possible without everyone here.

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Fieldwork is a TTRPG system about exploratory zoology! Players engage in real scientific analysis and observation to earn in-game progression, while attempting to survive brutal exploration gameplay. Fieldwork releases this Monday! A final giveaway has just started!

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Fieldwork is a TTRPG system about exploratory zoology! Players engage in real scientific analysis and observation to earn in-game progression, while attempting to survive brutal exploration gameplay. Fieldwork releases this Monday! A final giveaway has just started!

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