Another losing record this week. At least my Gen0 Goblin-skinned Samsar has been reaping $honor for me all week!

2 11

A losing record once again... These Samsars are getting tougher and tougher. Still... 2 wins out of 5 isn't too bad.

2 10

After more than a month of fighting, two managed to secure wins to get that sweet HONR.

Maybe time to switch up strategies, those samsars got gear!

2 9

Was FINALLY able to get a winning record on Its been a while! These Samsars are getting tougher and tougher!

3 6

2 wins, 3 losses... was hoping for better, but I'll take it. My goblin-skinned Samsar is still reaping the $HONOR for me, though

4 11

Thrilla in 🥊🥊 (هيّا أنزُلّي فالحارة 👀👀) 💪💪

You took an L? Don’t cry about it just EMBRACE IT minor setback for major comeback that’s MY FAVORITE 😤😤😤😤 💜💜

3 14

My warriors did better this week. 5 out of 9 warriors won their respective battles

3 10

Nighty Night beautiful people. My dreams will be sweet, I’m going to UFC tomorrow heading to bed early.

Any exciting plans for you this weekend?

5 18

My 9629 (damn, gotta give him a name with a scroll soon) sure is representing!

Lets Form Group!

3 7

Solids results for this Used the winnings to re-roll health for this Samurai Samsar. Glad to see the SQ team keep building!

2 9

Looks like the upgraded Samsar with new LE items won this round of Time to re-roll the green goblin warrior so he can keep up next week!

4 12

Ooof! That was a painful round of battling after spending more than a fortnight on the battlefield. But alas, the fight for $HONOR must go on!

4 8

Out there accumulating my HONR, waiting in the Shadows for what is about to emerge...

4 9