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角巻わため「Fins」Music Video
▼Music Video
監督 斉藤友和さん
アニメーション Shuzukuさん
プロデューサー 夢田朝美さん
The Fakemon are the new Water Starters in my region. They were imported from another region to be sold as pets but their aggressive nature quickly saw them fall out of favor. They use their stained glass like bodies to attract prey. Their fins are razor sharp. Art by @Mat4265
Tenim 2 concursos de dibuix infantil en marxa per Sant Jordi!
🐉 XXVIII Concurs de @CanVerdaguer: fins al 20/4, de 3 a 12 anys https://t.co/EAJdqySDlG
🌹 "Desmuntant la llegenda de Sant Jordi": fins al 14/4, de 3 a 14 anys, org. @CasalBProspe https://t.co/eKd3UaWnb3
It's a Koisona digital art test using mouse, part of my digital art relearning lol.
I made it so left and right fins are different color.
Will put the source, and PNG for each side (hires) on the comment.
#JosuijiArt #ShinriTakeThis
Drawing pictures of New Testament stories this year for Fins & Scales Studio!
@SlNNPLE Oh my gosh they remind me a lot of zaryl aaa, the head fins and all omg.
My own fish!
2. Seaking
The flowy white fins accompanied by the water typing makes me think of the pool scene in Breaking Bad. Seaking is also a rather beautiful Pokémon that is neglected by many, so it fits.
"Gold Fins delivery express"
A Multi dimensional packages awaits you!
An internship assignment art part:4
#art #artwork #artistsontwitter #goldfish #digitalart
Here, have some more OC art! Just an attempt at "fishboy on dry land".
Oh gosh darnit, I got one of the arm-fins (the one on our right) the wrong way round. Oh well.
#krita #digitalart #mirrorsamuraiart
This is the full Mer-Nix i did for @NixussNightfall's birthday stream. 🐚💜 🌊 I used a beta fish's fins and colors for reference, and i think it came out pretty stellar for my first time drawing merfolk. 🤗 (The scales are a free brush pattern from CSP assets. Very helpful. 👍)
Komodo Dragon Variation (General Blocking without details).
We are planning to add some fins. This amphibian-reptile will be a fast swimmer, males will be 2m-3m long adults, female ranging from 1.5m to 2.3 m.
#IndieDevs #indiegame #3Dsculpt #myria #ethereum
📚La amiga de mi hermana
Tres dones que no poden olvidar el primer amor. Resignació, tirada endavant i patiment son els 3 sentiments que més destaquen en els seus personatges. Narració pausada i fins i tot força poètica, tot redreçat amb un dibuix molt expressiu de traços suaus.
Des de demà passat a les 0.06 fins al dimarts de la setmana que ve a les 21.36 (és a dir, en només 1 setmana), s'emetran 10 pel·lícules d'anime al Club Super3 que no s'hi havien emès mai (serà l'estrena en català de la meitat a més).
also also bonus bonus, my two concept arts for fire's siren form
the final design is mostly based on the second one, but with the first one's translucence for some of the fins!
@nexus8846 @AssTransformers What about Cyberverse and Earthspark Wheeljack? Both have angular fins, and ES Jack also has the big head crest, yet both have characters closer to classic Jack than TFP Ninja Jack
🐚 Contributor Spotlight 🐚
Recently returning to our pod following their studies in the world above, we welcome them back with open... fins?
@AnnieRDean pulls together their admiration of fantastical cuteness for our project.
Silver Fins Album - pre-order Insert bonus
Artist: Yoshihiko Umakoshi (馬越 嘉彦)
This is Pia btw!! In the first image (main ref) I couldn’t tell if her fins where supposed to be on the inner or outer part of her arm, but the second pic helped xD I also included a pic of her from the Rune Factory 3 Special intro and a screenshot from the ds game for fun!
Neomuna postcard concept and designs for the coastal fins. The idea is that as Neptune's intense atmospheric flow comes off the ocean and meets the shore, these structures would help channel it into the city where it would go through various turbines and intakes to generate power