exclusive club enjoy fischara painting (im uploading a 3 panel comic along w it)

10 42

fischbarb? fischara? either way they’re such a cute rarepair,, I had to draw them

51 107

i think i found my new favorite ship to draw (?)

fischara / songbird supremacy

15 45

Based on a true story

235 760

stewpid doodle

60 236

my understanding towards fischara

26 87

OK SO I'm putting them all in one tweet cause I didn't wanna be repetitive but these r all separate ships: Fischaraelle (Someone had a better ship name but sjdfh I can't find it anymore so uh yeah), Fischara, Barbelle, fischelle/rosefisch ok that's all of them I think

0 1

a socmed au

barbara is searching for a girlfriend to save herself from humiliation on valentine's day, and fischl happened to be looking for one as well

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