The Ahiarmiut people told the story of Paija, a cannibal spirit with one leg, and flowing, black hair. She hunted in the long winter nights, looking for those caught in blizzards to devour...

🎨Aleks Sennwald

45 129

DAY SEVEN - - HIPPIE (#frousefashion)

need a groovy doll to promote peace with? here's a little something to keep the vibes flowing, yknow?

24 99

Beyond The Door writing prompt event was an awesome idea. and myself had fun collaborating on this challenge since it allowed 2 people! This got the creativity flowing, thanks Jeb!!🐇💨

2 15

Slam dunking cat ears, the second!
Having my cool buddy over for vacations, I do my best to keep the fun flowing, and fun WILL rain from above! May you forgive these shenanigans^^'

Art by the amazing Tigranessa on FA!

4 17

啊啊the way he loves is so deep, so pure, raw, intense, flowing, so... otherworldly even.
he’s put himself through the very same endless pain since he was a boy, and wore that pain with the most beautiful smile, time and again. grand miracle indeed😭

14 49

This is masterpiecful. Resembles Munch's style - expressive, flowing, sensibly colourful

0 12

“I can…I can kill everyone in the world, slaughter every living being, stop the mountains from turning green, the waters from flowing, scatter corpses everywhere, leave no humans for miles and miles. You can’t die. I can do anything, will doanything!”

9 24

Gm ☀️

Happiness is in the flowing, not the forcing.

13 60

I’m trying to post more,, get my creative juices flowing,, so any interaction would be lovely!! 💗🦌

6 28

Traditional Digital/Generative Art focused on flowing, bio organic sculptures.

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The most therapeutic thing for me to work on is flowing, wavy hair.

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12/ The artist has combined straight and technical looking structures with flowing, organic ones that can appear floral or furry, and there is a rare "solo" style that looks like a close up of lined up blobs.

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Jakstay works tirelessly for the city in their main control center keeping the water flowing, the gears grinding, and the workers working. Despite all his yelling and bravado, nobody knows the truth. He has no idea what he’s doing. He’s ink-competent!

17 43

I couldn’t afford an OG today BUT I found this beauty on the floor 🤭 sub 5000. With the squid brain juice flowing, she’s ready to tackle whoever 😉 I see you BUT do you see me 🫂

27 102

Templar. ⚔️Guardian of the arts, she keeps watch through out all of history.
Her flowing, blood red dress and detailed armor inspired by historical knights and royalty. She alludes to strength with beauty and grace. Dramatic scenery balances light and darkness. Link⬇️

23 62

“When the cheese starts flowing, Kraft gets your noodle going!”
A lovely, round C Rex drawn by the wonderful ⁦⁩.

39 208

6/ "Transform" is at once torn and flowing, like a variant of "field" with an arching, overlying superstructure.

Doesn't remind you of a gorgeous rooster, and of hair?


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alright let's get the creative juices flowing, hmu 🤌

vampire, mime by trade, juggler, precision knife thrower

14 103

my very first dtiys challenge is complete! This was for @/kiwingy’s challenge on instagram!!

perfect for getting the creative juices flowing, might have to do more of these.

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