Fluttertree: Hello Rarity, having fun being a Floofmare?

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Fluttertree: Especially when I'm still with all of my friends.

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Fluttertree: What do you think of us being the Heart of the Sanctuary of Harmony?

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Fluttertree: It's good to hear from you Twilight. How's being a floofy cocoon?

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*Celestia and Luna bring Cozy Glow to the Fluttertree. There she sees the sculpture of the Mane Six, the floofy cocoons, and the white floofy snowman.*

Celestia: Behold Cozy Glow, the "Heart" of the Sanctuary of Harmony. Made in honor of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

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Celestia: We'll start with the Fluttertree

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*They go back to the Floof Tree. They then noticed the two snowmen beside the Fluttertree, which they didn't notice before. The two snowmen are Rarity and Trixie*

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Sugar Belle: And the Fluttertree looks beautiful

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*Celestia leaves a lot of flowers around the Fluttertree before departing*

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Pinkie Pie: Don't forget the Floof Tree and the Fluttertree.

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Twilight: We call it the Fluttertree

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Spike: I'm guessing you are hear to visit the Fluttertree as well?

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*The Fluttertree is located deep in the Everfree Forest, where she can be surrounded by nature. Unlike most trees, Fluttertree still has her leaves due to Twilight's spell*

Twilight: Honestly, I think Fluttertree looks more peaceful during the winter.

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Twilight: She sure is. I couldn't be any happier for Fluttershy, or rather Fluttertree. What do you think Spike?

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*The three of them go outside and see the Fluttertree*

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Twilight: Then be sure to dress warmly, it's cold out here. Once you're ready, we will visit the Fluttertree

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Pinkie Pie: Me too, Fluttershy always wanted to be a tree, I'm glad we granted her wish. She may be just a tree now, but she's still one of our best friends.

*Pinkie Pie hugs the Fluttertree*

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*Fluttertree doesn't respond, at least she's just an ordinary tree and nothing more*

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*The ponies went to visit the Fluttertree*

Twilight: Here we are. This Fluttertree ^^

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