Hiya! Wonderful stream last night. I finished up a few doodles I needed to get done, worked on a birthday sketch for a friend, and I drew this plushie for PotatoKung!

Thanks again everyone last night for the raid, bitties, and follows. Appreciate ya bunches! ♥️♥️♥️

1 11

Thanks again guys, now for the +5K follows. New pics of a lot of waifus made with new tools are coming up... 🔥🥵😍

185 2760

Marina’s tip of the day~
If your heart hurts a little after letting someone go, that's okay. It just means that your feelings were genuine. No one likes things to end or the pain that follows. But sometimes you have to remember that not every person in your life is meant to stay~

9 33

…and this is a work of my child(8-year-old).
Day14: Meals

My child says, "today's dishes are as follows."
Spore puff & Red Leech
Slime Mold & Blue Fruit
Popcorn Plant & Batfly

5 26

GM and happy Friyayyy☕️😊

Here’s my latest artwork

Dark Side of The Moon
1714 x 4096 px
Non AI, hand painted on Procreate

Not minted. Please make an offer =>.1 eth Or as you wish. Physical art follows.

7 23

Good morning.
Theme? Indy art that I like.
Credit is as follows.

Give them love.

5 62

We've passed Apple's review for the maintenance, and Mar. 7th maintenance schedule has been confirmed.

The maintenance time is as follows.

- Maintenance Period: 19:30 - 23:30 on Mar.7th, UTC-8 (4hr)

Thank you for your waiting and patience.

3 90

They are underestimated...

Some bullish updates are as follows.

is the way

Anime is the best

0 4

Thanks for the chance, and congrats on reaching your first thousand follows.

0 1

Here's to your first 1000 follows.

0 1

I'm going to be a lot less active on Twitter due to the CONSTANT drama on my tl after clearing some of my follows.
(I don't see drama on my tl before, but now there's drama everywhere)

Until drama is completely out of my tl, I'll be more active on discord and tellonym.

0 13

"A sudden expansion of consciousness and the Ethereal lift that follows."

10 41

🤘Bro and Sis Dual power🤘

kara and Denyz are family. You mess with one, you mess with both!

has always been an awesome brother. Give him ALL the loves and follows. He's an awesome person🌷🌷🌷

16 100

wowee hello new follows. ty for the love on the pls know that i dont interact too much with fandom anymore so tee hee we'll see how many monkies i actually draw

2 27

thank you for the 100 follows. really means ALOT, but i dunno what to do with the 100 follower celebration...ill think of that later. anyway this is THE only LAST REFERENCE sheet for shadaxian/jan

2 9

Marina’s tip of the day~
You should never get so worked up over the things you can't change. And especially at the people you can't change. It's not worth the anger build up or the headache that often follows. Control only what you can, and try to let go of the rest. Okay~?

11 57

Heyy/ thanks for all the follows.

6 80

Time for a 🔆 RAFFLE 🔱 WAFFLE 🔆


⚜️ Like & Retweet.
⚜️ Post your Ref.


⚜️ One Symmetry Bust.


When I reach 300 follows.

13 22


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send 1200000 $CHILI to the first 444 retweets and follows.

567 392