Little Franky, I can't draw children

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Mi personajedel rol que estamos llevando unas amigas y yo ✌️

Esta es Franky, una gul/ghoul que anda siempre hambrienta. Iré subiendo más cositas sobre ella 🖤

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I love franky, man. he's willing to ignore Luffy due to how strongly he feels an obligation to Dressrosa. Thankfully Luffy and the others agree with him wholeheartedly

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What kind of Costume is Franky, It's Blossom from Powerpuff girls.

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spy! lucu banget standee anya as loid yor franky, kurang yuri sama fiona 😆

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Starting on with the basic outfit, the classic Franky, my go to when I doodle him, pretty much the season 1 outfit if you will.

Now, it's kinda funny. I dont have much to say about that one, because I made it back when he didn't have a story, but it stuck with me and I think+

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All the fellas from the story I'm writing (so far)
Not including side characters (except the gang member guy because I like him);
Amadeus, Franky, Timeo, Alexander

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Eu bastante coisa nesse aí, foi uma delas.
A deusa e parte do meus personagens favoritos do 😳
Eu enrolei tanto nele, ajeitei várias coisas várias vezes--

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Doodles from recently.
Franky, Amadeus, myself

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Happy Birthday Franky, Mihawk & Shanks

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wake up! it's franky, shanks, and mihawk day! happy birthday to these fine men <3

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Y esto que vergas tiene que ver con los shipps?
Pues que estos personajes podrían estar viviendo una situación similar con nada más y nada menos que con Robin!
Porque todo mundo conoce lo bien que se lleva Robin con Franky, pero parece que Jinbe también tiene lo suyo...

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CODECO: Allez Franky, il est temps de refaire entrer la lumière! ©

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Franky, ciertamente es por su diseño, carisma y personalidad, es demasiado SUUUPPEEERR
El es la representación clara de la fantasía de poder masculino (?)

Ya fuera de la tripulación de los sombreros de paja, Katakuri, es un antagonista respetable y con buenos principios

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Wobbuffet! because dumb kid me didnt know how it worked and i was lucky enough to have clicked the right thing, thus 1 shotting my friends dialga

And i named them Franky, goofy names go a long way
Plus the anime, love anime wobb

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franky, o puxa-frangos ⭐🐔

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