画質 高画質

today I do 5 miles running exercise with my friends
all the topic we talk are about "our body are a bit rusty compare to our prime because we overuse it in military when we were young", "what to do before 30 " or "marriage"
seems like Imma become uncle soon someday
time is scary

1 25


メレンゲのような甘い色使いとポップな雰囲気の女の子やキャラクターを描いています。「MOON Friends」をはじめとするカプセルトイやグッズ用のイラストを中心にお仕事をさせていただいています。


12 99

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw!


…と、色々あってアンカーとさせていただきます🙇 https://t.co/nIgO6FR0qK

23 98

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw!


ワタクシは50ccカブからGP500まで好きなクルマバイクを節操なくちまちま描くアナログ絵大好きマンでございます(アンカーで) https://t.co/ubOrOOfNKM

10 41


5 24

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw!


(オススメの作家さんはリプ欄にて) https://t.co/vOO6WGn0vT

21 82

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw!

創作ちゃんまとめを置いて、アンカーとさせていただきますね😌 https://t.co/VoUENXz77a

28 258

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw!

独特の世界観が素晴らしいミラクル素敵絵アーティスト☆犬神まみやさん よりバトンをいただきました!

おススメの作家さまご紹介はリプ欄へ↓ https://t.co/63TycboGB1

38 97

I forgot to announce this for a long time, but I have created a discord server and would like to invite only mutual friends ( ᐛ )
I don't have a call channel, only a chat channel, I'm planning to introduce it for do stream ( ᐛ )

3 98

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw!


9 90

Friendship requires trust, but I find it hard to trust others.

Perhaps...I don't have to?

4 19


36 157

Hi friends!
Feel free to follow me here as well, I'll do my best to update it with my more recent stuff as well 🫡🙇‍♂️

13 128

[Lucy's Break]

A good weekend to Lucy, that finally got a break to relax, without care about any missions or Natsu, but unfortunatelly for her friends, they're microscopic, near to her surprisingly stinky feet.

229 1494

regular mercenary job: go to this place and do this
Yuri and his friends mercenary job for some reason:

2 12

If you see this, QRT your art and tag some friends who draw! 自分の作品とおすすめの知り合いの作家さんを紹介するバトンを貰いました!


18 48


アーティストコラボコーナー Hello! Friendsにて展示させていただいておりますので、見つけてね🐈

東京国立博物館 表慶館 2024.11.1〜2025.2.24

詳しくは公式HPへ!☑… https://t.co/aQjWgFLBf8

131 1315