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To be, or not to be, that is…Renee Montoya, THE QUESTION! Renee is a Dominican-American GCPD member who inherited The Question mantle from Vic Sage. Renee is devoted to cleaning up the streets of Gotham…within the law and, if necessary, outside of it.
“got the answers to all of nygma’s riddles!”
batman: wayne family adventures
ep. 35 - GCPD
The last party in Gotham City is here! Commissioner Barbara Gordon is stepping down from the GCPD, and Wayne-Powers CEO Dominic Lumos is throwing her a retirement party.
Se dice que el Spin-Off de "The Batman" enfocado en el GCPD se ha fusionado con el de Arkham. De ser el caso, propongo esto:
Gordon y sus hombres tratan de recuperar Arkham del Espantapájaros, que se ha tomado el sitio para experimentar con todo el personal. Abro hilo.
@RICHARDLNEWBY Am I the only one that wants to see Reeves tackle The Question? He would fit in perfectly in the Reeves-verse. Maybe he can be part of the GCPD spin off?
GCPD can handle it when she starts doin' this. https://t.co/KN6s53He2h
Though Dick's time on the BPD isn't terribly productive, he DOES help people, and it results in him being allies/friends with Amy Rohrbach.
And much later in Black Mirror, it allows him to work as a civilian consultant/liason between Wayne Industries and the GCPD. https://t.co/NYBCJXAqDD
Greatest Harley Quinn's cosplayers part 2!!!
The fabulous @Enasni 🖤u♥️
#harleyquinn #cosplayer #fanart #comic #art #character #illustration #batman #drawthisinyourstyle #arkham #cartoonist #harley #inker #GCPD #villain #gothamcity #handmade #traditionalart #ink #artwork
We don't often get moments in the DCAU that address the corruption in GCPD, but every time I return to Gotham Girls, I appreciate @storrieville being conscious enough of the real world tension between cops & communities of color to address it.
This wasn't post-BLM. It was 2002.
DC Comics & Next Batman: Second Son #3 Spoilers & Review: Will There Be A Death In The Family? Plus Who Is New GCPD Commissioner? https://t.co/oeVYatgjbu
픽셀 그래픽은 그닥 선호하지않아서 쯔꾸르겜은 잘 플레이 안하는 편인데...배트-쯔꾸르겜 보고싶다...클래식 공포물처럼 수상한 웨인매너에서 탈출하자도 좋지만...고담 명소를 누비면서 NPC들을 만나 사건을 해결하는 탐정장르...GCPD옥상에서는 고든, 아이스버그 라운지는 펭귄 뭐 이런 느낌...
My hopes for @BarryKeoghan 's Stanley Merkel: A "good cop" who was pushed out of the force (fired or threatened) for trying to stop violence/report wrong doing from his fellow officers. This dirty reality of policing in the USA drives Merkel to hate the GCPD and aid the Riddler.
Dite "Ciao" a #BarbaraGordon!
Sarà l'attrice #SavannahWelch a vestirne i panni nella Stagione 3 di #Titans.
Nella serie, Barbara sarà Commissionario della GCPD, userà la sedia a rotelle, e ha smesso di essere Batgirl dopo che il Joker le ha sparato.
#DCComics #DCTitans #SerieTV
In Batman: Zero Year when they explain why Jim Gordon wears a trench coat as a reminder to the corrupt GCPD who tried to use it to bribe him.
He can't just wear a coat because it's part of his character design. https://t.co/Z1h3D6t2S2
Novos detalhes da 3.ª temporada de Titans
- Todos os Titãs irão para Gotham
- Barbara terá cuidado com os Titãs
- Espantalho está em Arkham mas funciona como um perfilador para a GCPD
- Capuz Vermelho ficará obcecado em derrubar os Titãs
#DCUTitans #Titans
@mrmarkmillar Another fav. badass moment from the book - A note from Batman to the GCPD Chief Yeats. Ultimate Coolth!
Matt Reeves is giving us a detective focused psychological approach to Batman in his own trilogy while also teaming with Terence Winter, the man behind Boardwalk Empire, to deliver an expanded look at Gotham and the GCPD in his vision for this Batman universe.
#TheBatman 🦇