696 - Tyrunt
Type: Rock / Dragon

Abilities: Strong-jaw, Sturdy

1 1

Old Chateau Bakery: Trevenant macaron! 👻🌱💜

“Boasting a light yet perfectly crunchy shell, this mint and dark chocolate cream filled macaron perfectly entwines it’s varied textures together”

1 0

I drew all the bat 🦇 pokemon cos Halloween is a thing, the GOAT bat pokemon, Noivern earns a spot in my team

5 28

cerimorti as the gen6 honeymooners tho lol

10 96

My guess
Changing times in the same region

Point: Reshiram/Zekrom=Romulus/Remus

Point: Pancham🐼


0 2

721 - Volcanion
Type: Fire / Water

Abilities: Water-absorb

0 1

720 - Hoopa
Type: Psychic / Ghost

Abilities: Magician

0 1

719 - Diancie
Type: Rock / Fairy

Abilities: Clear-body

2 2

718 - Zygarde-50
Type: Dragon / Ground

Abilities: Aura-break

0 0

717 - Yveltal
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Dark-aura

0 0

715 - Noivern
Type: Flying / Dragon

Abilities: Frisk, Infiltrator, Telepathy

0 0

714 - Noibat
Type: Flying / Dragon

Abilities: Frisk, Infiltrator, Telepathy

0 0

712 - Bergmite
Type: Ice

Abilities: Own-tempo, Ice-body, Sturdy

0 0

711 - Gourgeist-average
Type: Ghost / Grass

Abilities: Pickup, Frisk, Insomnia

0 0

710 - Pumpkaboo-average
Type: Ghost / Grass

Abilities: Pickup, Frisk, Insomnia

0 0

708 - Phantump
Type: Ghost / Grass

Abilities: Natural-cure, Frisk, Harvest

0 0

707 - Klefki
Type: Steel / Fairy

Abilities: Prankster, Magician

0 1

706 - Goodra
Type: Dragon

Abilities: Sap-sipper, Hydration, Gooey

0 0

705 - Sliggoo
Type: Dragon

Abilities: Sap-sipper, Hydration, Gooey

0 0

704 - Goomy
Type: Dragon

Abilities: Sap-sipper, Hydration, Gooey

1 2