The GWS Pomu Special 💊
Glad you're feeling a lot better Pomu. Here's to a full recovery and a fun vacation 💚

29 139

I-I did the thing... 😳🫣 I went for the cheesy shoujo manga version (gws me)

4 30

sneak peek, gak mungkin kekejar sekarang...
mana besok keluar kota tes lagi, yah gws bay dulu

4 39


I'm gws (Gilang Wijaya Saputra), a mayor who is still in high school. I usually draw hololive and my oc, sometimes I don't draw either.
nice to meet you !!!

24 69

There's Leona my beloved from GBF but other than that they are the only Leonas in existence

test maker is either a twst player or a gbf player. GWS FR

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Speeeed[Mei]. GWS, Moom. ☹️

19 163

ft. sama si 2D 2D itu 😾

"Silent bf vs Talk a lot gf."

Tapi tetep gws sih kata gweh, alias itu kalo mau ngiketin rambut ya diiket aja gausa dijambak, kasian, thx.

47 186

good morning ✨
GWS or GSH? (Remake)

37 219


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16 75

Gws nay, dun forget to rest and don't force urself for tmrrw

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Kronii is no longer balloons. (GWS 🥺🙏)

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kaga kelar-kelar dah lu Sen. tudung belakang topi juga belom. gws.

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// yume , ReHo

Setelah sekian purnama, akhirnya aku debutin yuma yume baru gess /gws

18 32

GoldenXXsection (minus Asch) versi gws

4 15


Panggil saja aku Myst
Walaupun akun ini terlihat GWS tapi aku tarot reader yang masih belajar
Aku sendiri multifandom dan aman sharing yume so feel free✨✨

For Tarot service
For my introduction carrd


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