Also from August '17 with the Galra!Keith stuff. Which I'm now so happy is canon, haha!

0 2

anon requested Yorak? But I don't know what that means? Do they want Galra!Keith or smth

111 351

Hella late starting at Day 1
Always wanted to do Galra!Keith and Altean!Shiro

36 72

Un Galra!Keith para el meme de la paleta de colores💫

30 114

Shiro and galra!Keith for fireredlionpaladin​ 🍀🍀🍀

84 176

30 Days of

day 2: galra!Keith and altean!Lance AU

131 520

me: i'm gonna be so productive tonight
tumblr: theories about galra!keith crying & wearing lance's jacket

21 51

Galra!Keith + Beauty & The Beast AU (aka Hunk is a huge sap, and everyone likes embarrassing Keith)

46 204

I have a lot of feelings about Altean!Lance, especially when paired with BoM-suit-Galra!Keith hello yes where do I sign up for this??

275 476

Happy Half Galra!Keith for thy soul
(Warm Up during Open Lab Period)

12 39

Day 06 - Galra!Keith / Dark!Shiro
Who said they couldn't lovey dovey like usual??
I gave up rendering...

67 89

Galra!Keith from stream, thanks for coming everyone!! night night <3

170 298

I wholly subscribe to Galra!Keith theory.

0 2

one more galra!keith/dark!shiro that no one asked for but I delivered

12 16

Galra!Keith, I really wonder if the galra have little tails? I need a galra anatomy guide.

18 41

so...what if Lance was the first one to find Galra!Keith...

211 354