Como dirían en que no sólo han hecho Pokemon, te elijo a tí! En crearon a este ser híbrido entre Sonic y Megaman, en un jugazo que a día de hoy sólo se puede conseguir si tienes una cartera importante! Bendita emulación!

19 138

Oe gamefreak, just one more

1 4

Happy release day ! ✨💕
Time to get a new adventure with my favorite partner of all time 🔥🎀
and everyone at GameFreak, thank you for your hard work ! 🥰

3 29

give n both zorua gamefreak, do it you cowards it's what he deserves 🤬🤬💗💗💗💗 only the best for him !!!

0 0

I love this pokemon

Pokemon: ©️Nintendo, ©️GameFreak, ©️Creatures, ©️The Pokemon Company

1 13

My favorite starter of Galar region.

Pokemon: ©️Nintendo, ©️GameFreak, ©️Creatures, ©️The Pokemon Company

1 13

Say what you want about Gamefreak, its developers, etc, but you cannot deny that they've been steadily improving with their visuals. Every release since SwSh has seen some kind of visual improvement.

9 78

Le seul truc """constructif""" que j'ai réalisé aujourd'hui. Voici Smogogogo.
(GameFreak, engagez-moi svp.)

1 21

hey gamefreak, if you are not using oddish can I have them

208 1010

„Champ Ti fordert dich heraus“
Finds einfach depresso, dass man nachdem man Champ geworden ist kein Königsoutfit zusammenstellen kann. @ gamefreak, catch these hands

1 15

Say hello to Conglomo, my latest Fakemon!

I made an in-game reason to get Pokemon Fusions into the games! I'm available ;D

0 1

Warm up sketch from today~#Dunsparce needs more love!!! I designed an evolution for it~ I'd love to hear suggestions for a name and learnable moves!!

GameFreak, hire me!

10 34

Pulseman is so cool. Been thinking about this game a lot lately. It's kinda difficult but it's really neat and has some delightful visuals from one of my favorite artists ever, Ken Sugimori.

Gamefreak, if you're out there... Bring back Pulesman, thank you ⚡️⚡️⚡️

17 38

Please.. gamefreak, bring back mega evolutions

0 4

13. N (Pokémon B/W)
¿Un segundo elegido con una ideología que choca fuertemente con la tuya y a pesar de ello se complementa contigo e intenta ponerse en tu piel para saber de forma empírica quién tiene razón? ¿¿EN POKÉMON?? GAMEFREAK, DADNOS A LOS GUIONISTAS DE LA QUINTA, COBARD

0 2


0 3

One of my favorite pokemon.😊

Character: Nintendo, GameFreak, Creatures

5 14

Zamazenta Plush holding Zacian Plush (Hey Gamefreak, where's my plush??)

30 266