Some info on the Mon and the Shinies!

...Some of you might be able to tell what the inspiration behind this one was.

Original Art used to create this Edit: by Gamefreak.

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GameFreak. Do you realize what you have done!?

You'll have to make Hanako leave one behind!


23 111

Lemme see my boy, gamefreak. Lemme see him

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Someone wanna tell me what happened to my baby?? Shame on u Gamefreak...

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"Phantom Thief Makoto wants to battle"

I was really surprised to find that there was no dedicated bike pokemon. Get on that gamefreak.

54 165

Hay pistas del Remakes de Sinnoh el nombre de Inteleon está conformado por Silabas de los iniciales de Sinnoh INfernape TorTErra y EmpoLEON. INTELEON. Bien hecho GameFreak.

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Hey...hey gamefreak... *slides over 10 bucks*
Soooo how about a big fluffy Muskox Pokemon in Gen 9? Eh? EH?

32 220

That raid was truly a blessing from Arceus. Surfing RAICHU has been my dream since Pokémon Stadium... I knew of Surfing Pika in USUM, but this??? Wow... thank you gamefreak. I was crushed when Alolan weren’t available at first until I discovered thru transferring. I’m so happy...

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Just...something more akin to an RPG. No harm done if we follow a trainer with a special Pokémon to itself so long as it has development, a story, a personality. Would it be much to ask? Knowing GameFreak...yes, actually, maybe too much. [5/6]

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Let me brush my messy hair wolf friendos, gamefreak.

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Finally, I can have Salter shinjuku outfit (kinda). Thank gamefreak.

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Wow, I can't believe they made a pokemon based on Maxmoefo, I see you Gamefreak.

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Usually, I don't post about trending tags on Twitter, but I feel like I should this time.

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hey pal i'll let you talk shit about the pokemon company themselves but not gamefreak. leave my son alone.

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Pokemon has been a HUGE part of my life since I was 4, it has helped me through the really tough times in my life and childhood, and I am forever grateful for such an amazing creation.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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With trending - I just wanted to say thank you guys at Gamefreak.

If it wasn't for you, and Popplio - I don't know if I'd ever been able to make people happy with my art, or if I'd ever be posting my art online at all!

So thank you for everything Gamefreak!

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6) N Pokemon. This man is wonderful and a really goddamn amazing rival. He deserves the world. Also the Ferris Wheel. He and Hilbert. BRING HIM BACK GAMEFREAK.

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Please gamefreak. If you really are remodeling all the pokemon, pose them PLEASE!

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