it was really hard picking just 4 aaa

FFI+II was my first RPG I was able to finish as a kid
Sapphire = first Pokemon game!
P3 = 1st JRPG that I really got into and it sent me into SMT/Persona hell
RE4 = (one of) my fave games ever

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Hard to boil it down, but these games really impact my life and tasste in media and games

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my game list may be shorter than my movie list, but some of these have touch my life far more.

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This'll be fun games that have really impacted me. Most recently it's been p5, and some of the first games i ever cared about was the RSE series... wow this was hard

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Those games that define me. (I'm old school AF, deal with it.)

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These 4 games have done so much to inspire me as a I guess I like riding around vast landscapes on horseback 😅

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This was brutally hard to pick! Each of these fundamentally changed how I think about gaming and game design.

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These games are very dear to me and helped shape me into the man I am today. ^_^

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These games inspired me growing up and Dragon Age was the first game I played once I got back into gaming, it wowed me and got me hooked. Last of Us was my first wholly story driven game, nothing too fancy but it knocked me over with its fantastic worldbuilding.

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Legend of mana -> My favorite game ever top 1
Legend of dragoon -> My first game I got gaming rage :P
FF6 -> First FF and the begin of my FF series love.
WoW -> The game that make me closer of my brother! :D ( Meaning: When he force me to stay up late to kill boss. )

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Zelda : Majora's Mask, Yoshi's Island, Street Fighter II, Aladdin (SNES version: don't @ me)

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I'll do the TF2 definitely was what got me into FPS and I sunk way too much time into. Terraria opened me up to Steam and is overall just a fun game with friends. MC was one of my first games. Talos amazed me with everything about it, story and OST specifically

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I thought I'd do one for the games that mean a lot to me nowadays and would define me nowadays. The first one would be my childhood/teens one.

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So many games I truly love, but these 4 are the ones that had the biggest impact on my life. To me, the 4 kings.

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