Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hello fellow comic creator. I go by "Geladaa" online, hope this finds you well. I have a proposal for you, related to your campaign. Sent you a DM, read it! (Hope you find it enticing.)

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Hola! Soy Geladaa, un autor de cómic mexicano. Les comparto imágenes de mi proyecto Kickstarter; "IN HELL". Me ayudan a darle difusión? Chéquenlo!
(vínculo en mi bio)

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ola Hola! Soy Geladaa, un autor de cómic. Le comparto imágenes de mi proyecto; "IN HELL". Me encantaría mandarle una copia. Chéquelo!
(vínculo en mi bio)

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Hola! Soy Geladaa, un autor de cómic Mexicano. Les comparto imágenes de mi proyecto Kickstarter; "IN HELL". Me encantaría estar en su podcast y/o mandarles una copia para crítica. Chéquenlo!
(vínculo en mi bio)

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The strangest renditions of DRACULA you will ever face.

Omnipotent technology turns the word into world!

Love, war, freedom, spirit, cornucopia.

Secret Reunion In Carfax Lodge


(Not) Freak Squeal

AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW at Geladaa dot com!

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Fair Daughter, and thou Son and Grandchild both;
High proof ye now have given to be the race
Of Satan (for I glory in the name,
Antagonist of Heaven’s Almighty King)

Secret Reunion In Carfax Lodge

available at Geladaa dot com

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The strangest renditions of DRACULA you will ever face.

Omnipotent technology turns the word into world!

Love, war, freedom, spirit, cornucopia.

Secret Reunion In Carfax Lodge


(Not) Freak Squeal

AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW at Geladaa dot com!

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The strangest renditions of DRACULA you will ever face

Omnipotent technology turns the word into world!

Love, war, freedom, spirit, cornucopia

Secret Reunion In Carfax Lodge

(Not) Freak Squeal

AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW at Geladaa dot com

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Dracula as you have never seen him before!

And I am the sun
I love everyone

(available at GELADAA dot com)

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Omnipotent technology turns the word into world!

Graphic novels about:

Love, war, freedom, spirit, cornucopia.

Secret Reunion In Carfax Lodge


(Not) Freak Squeal

AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW at Geladaa dot com!

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DRACULA imagined, realised, as never before

Love, vampires and terraforming in the far, distant future

Secret Reunion In Carfax Lodge (graphic novel)

Get your copy TODAY at Geladaa´s!

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A slice of (Not) Freak Squeal

Dracula as you have never seen him before.

A tale about wolves, a tale for wolves.

(available at GELADAA dot com)

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A slice of (Not) Freak Squeal

Dracula as you have never seen him before.

A tale about wolves, a tale for wolves.

(available at GELADAA dot com)

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Dracula as you have never seen him before.

(available at GELADAA dot com)

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