
with Yato siblings in D●sn●yland! 🥹

week 1 prompt: Amusement Park🎡🎢🎠

24 60

Question: Why doesn't Gintoki throw out his old senpuki (fan)?

1 7

the 21st night of september 💫

6 16

(from 2021)

1 7

katsura in the back going Σ(ಠิ口ಠิ|||) while gintaka are about to kiss

1 7

中秋节快乐 🐇🌙💫
(sorry it's a little late ;;)

8 15

Happy Chuseok and Happy day!!!
행복한 추석 보내세요! 🍁🍂🍁🍂


For ~
Week 5: Festival 🍁🍂

9 29


8 34

fated meeting in the place we belong

4 9

♥️⚔️9.10 HAPPY GINTAKA DAY♥️⚔️
메리 긴타카데이~!
모두 행복한 긴타카데이 보내세요!!!
은고일보는 금일 낮 순차대로 공개됩니다!

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