Some masculine input for this week's Although far more associated with female portraiture, Rossetti's studies of men are both sensitive & impressive: head of farmer in 'Found' (1869), Ford Madox Brown (1867), male head study 1850s (Mus. of Fine Arts, Budapest).

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Rossetti working on 'The Day Dream' by Frederick Shields (1880 ) for this week's & the completed work (1880 &_A) & study ()- a burgeoning study in greens. 'She dreams; till now on her forgotten book/Drops the forgotten blossom from her hand'

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Thomas Couture (1815-1879) Young Italian Street Musician 1877, Minneapolis Institute of Art
Angelo LeRose Tarantella 

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Continuing our rose theme, featuring 'Roman de la Rose (1864, Tate) and 'Three Roses' (1874, private collection) for this week's Also floral examples of Rossetti's evolution in style....

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'La Bella Mano' (1875 ) for this week's
Following current guidelines this resplendent Rossettian damsel is indeed *washing her hands* but we cannot guarantee that the soap is antibacterial …...

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Rossetti's self-isolating stunners are often shown in luscious but claustrophobic spaces with mirrored glimpses of the outside world or a caged bird echoing their own confinement
Lady Lilith (1866-73 Delaware Art Mus)
Veronica Veronese (1872 Legion of Honor Mus)

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For this week's Dantean-themed
'Beatrice meeting Dante at a marriage feast, denies him her salutation' (watercolour 1855, Ashmolean)
An award-winning feat of chilly rebuffery!

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Giovedì prossimo un nuovo ma intanto ecco quello della scorsa settimana! ✨

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Giovedì non è giovedì senza
Ovvero io che faccio robe su twitch e parlo di malattie/horror/altre malattie/gattini.

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🤪😘 " take a look at these heads ! "
Buon giovedi carina mia !

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