Bin Pokémon Kind der ersten Stunde, aber(!)

Könnten wir aufhören Kühe als bloße Milchmaschine darzustellen?
Kühe sind nicht mehr Säugetier als alle anderen auch.

Wir haben diese Eigenschaft durch gezielte Züchtung in Perversion auf die Spitze getrieben.

4 21

Lives are greater than beef burgers or bacon. 🌱

24 65

Animals don't have a voice. But I do. A loud one. I'm a fucking big mouth. My voice is for them. And I'll never shut up while they suffer.

263 1232

I don't see why someone should lose their life just so you can have a snack. - Russel Brand 🙌

24 79

"Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?”

62 145

Don't eat them, rather love and treat them with compassion. 💯

22 38


👉 Sign the Pledge to Be Vegan for Life:

📷: ignadee on IG

24 48

Discarded fishing nets make up half of the plastic in the ocean, trapping and slowly killing everything in their path. Google ‘ghost nets’.

Eating fish is killing our planet

136 255

La paix commence dans notre assiette ☮

2 4

Did you know that factory farmed ducks are farmed in overcrowded sheds with little or no access to water for swimming? Often 1000's of ducks are crowded together without natural light. 💔

Help Take Action for Animals:

34 65

„Tönnies-Wurst ohne Kennzeichnung:
Offenbar Separatorenfleisch in Geflügelwurst“

17 80